The Preface to the Readers. being the Leaders into it, and therefore fhould lead out of it ; and in that it especially belongeth toour office ;. and in that we have yet Tome fuch intereft in our peoples eftimation that we may probably do fomewhat toward it. But fpecially, becaufe the remedy is fo obvious, and our union io eafie, were we but truly willing and induftri- ous to attain it. I. For Difcipline, our differences lie in fo narrow a room, that there is no probabilityof the con,- tinuance of abreach, if we had but got together, and humbly and lovingly followedon the work, in impartial confultations, and in peeking Gods direaion. z. And. for Dodrine,we have a Teft and Rule fufficient to unite in ; we have the whole facred Scripture, which if we all profeis to beleve we furely make a ?Ian profefsion of Faith. Or if that be too large , we have the Apoftles Creed, or other ancient Creeds of the Church and the Scripture before us , fufficient. to. afford us both mat, ter and words for a, full and fit Confefsion of our Faith.. But the Deceiver hash here over-reacht us as much as in any thing. Some are fuch Infidels and indifferent to all Religions, that they wouldhave no Tell at all, but have all to live in a broken Licentioufnefs:But I hope amongft Minifters thefe are but feW. The. far greater number run into the contraryextream,'andvould have almoft all that thruft on, others, which theyare confident of thernfelves (And confidence is not the belt or commoneft fign of Truth.) Hence are our large and difputable, confeffions, tobe impofed on others : Hence is it that everyman is fo ready to lay the heavieft charges on thofe that differ from his own conceits. That is hainous error which croffeth our opinions, and where we err not for company : and we are willing the Magiftrate fhould reftrain men from . contradidinEus, 2S being fecretly confcious of our own, (b.-. 3) dtf