Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(190) which it equipollent,or which is in fenfe,the thing in Controverfie. Before i come to Arguments,I muff tell you that the contrary minded are much at a lois among themfelves, how to defcribe their Juftification in foroconfetwi a.2d what to make it , and what name to give it ; fo that come of them feem to be afhamel of the plain terms anddealing of the molt , and though they hold the fame,thing in fubflance. yettheyendeavour to finde new notions for it and to puta better glofs upoRit, then the rude An- tinOiniangWere Wont to\do. . Their common defcriptionof Junification by Faith, is, that it is the feeling, affurance, or perfwafion of Gods love, or of our pardon and former Juftification or aduallyconfidere& that it is Gods Declaration to our confciences, that we are ;unified ; or confciences ;unifying of us. And therefore they make Faith, which they call the Inftrument of it, to be the belief that we are ;unified, or, as Salt-marA faith, A perfwafion more or lefs of the Love of God. Mr: Temble faith, In foro Divino, in Gods fight, &c. even while the Elea are unconveled they are then aassally juflifiedandfreedfrom allfinby the death ofChrifl. Ike. 2. foro ,confcientim, inour own enle: Which ubut theSeVelation andcerm rain peciaration ofGodsformerficrel all ofaccepting Chrifilri hte. ossfnefs to our 7slifwation.Vindic.grat.p.2 t. Dr.74$/., faith are fi quidmortefaknobis impetratChrifimr,qmodadpeccatoram rum rensiffionem attineat (KumOwn 411510ril Divinipeecata nofira ,remittentis,nobil impetreteceire eflrindic.grat.h.1 part.2..§. 25.p. 172, 273. ArIdif it were but the feeling of pardon' that himfelf purchafed, it maywell be laid that', higher matter that Faith receiveth. So pag. 279. c. t. Sed advemente fide , turndemum agnofcitur & percipitur hic aMor Dei erga nos in Chri- fio 7efu. V ;Medicitur 7uflitia imputari nob:sperfidem,quia sonnifi per fidem dignofcitur al Deo nobis impatari': Et rum demssm isflificqri dicimar efts: generis jukficatione qwepaceno ingenerat Confeientiis nofirk. lta pag. i8. b. Nobiiverononmsji per fidem 'motel-Cie. Et li. 2. part, 2. p. 434. .,4pphcointur antem ;Paper pre. dicationemEvangehi, non ut de novo tient, fedUr nobs: inn tejcant,: Et cum docet zripoflo:!us nosfide Inftificari,vihil aliud ,ex inflituto docecquent nos Infigficari per (angst; nemGlorifti,fiVe -propter Chri= flaw criscifixsom. So alfo Lis 0ouns Cllv?;na.r. '41 One learned man faith, that, Abfolution in heaven , and Mr. Owen. - juflifi.7