Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(a9t) Juflification differ as part and whole ; and that juftification is terminated in confuence ; and fo makes a longer work of jufti fication, then they that fay it is Timm/ &Imo! ; or, then I whom Mr. C r. blames for it : and fo that whole begun in eternal Abfo- lution ( or from Chrifts death) and ended in confcience, ibould contain Immanent and Tranfient ads together ; and no fmall number of our own withal, a.s there defcribed. Some molt learn- ed judicious men affirm , that God fetteth up a Tribunal in the foul, and there firft arraigneth and condemneth the finner, and after juftheth him by his own fentence : and this theywill not hive to be j uflification inforo confcientia,nor done byconfcience; but by God, at a certain bar, in the foul,and that is not forum pri- vatum neither, but puidioum. To this I argue, that it canbe no other then a fidion : for mans foul is capable of no fuch thing as they defcribe, except by Entliufiafin, or extraordinary Revelati- on. Whatfoever fentence is revealed to mans foul, the Intelled mull be both Paffive and Active in it. Yea if it be an Axiom, Thou A. B. art luftified, the Intelled is the Agentto gather this from forrie"preludes (from Scripture and confciences evidences ); or elleitisreVealed immediately fromheaVen , into the foul , as Propheties were to the Prophets : Andof how dangerous con- fequence it would be, to the comfort ofmolt Chriftianson earth, to affure them that they are all unjustified till they are juftified by fuch a Revelation, is not hard to judge. To this it is replyed to me, that cods workings on the Aul arePoet , and it may be thoughwe cannot tell ha*it ma-- he Towhich I fay;Noman more willing to accept of fuch a Riply thenI if the thing were &It proved out of Scripture to be fo : But to take it for granted without proof, that Juftification by Faith , isfuch a Sentence in the foul or confcience, whereof the fOul. or confcience is not the Author or Actor ; and then to fay It may be fo, though we know not how, is to me unfatisfadory. Reafonmull vail to Gods Revelation, but not to mans unproved fuppofitions : efpecially when we have fo much to fay for the contrary. It is paft doubt to me, on confideration of fo much as is commonly acknowledged concerning the nature of the fouls actions, that there can be no fuch fentence pronounced in man, bat man himfelf muft be the pronounce'. ( excited by God ) ; or elfe it mit be an Enthu- fialm, or immediate Infpirati )n ox Revelation , Inch as the Pro pine