(192) phets had, and man be but the. Receiver of it. So that however fome by plaufible words would put a better face on it., the fenfe of all hems to be the fame, that jultification by Faith is the Revela- tion of god inand by the confcience, that We areforiserly 7uflified : And fo their Juftification by Faith,is the fame thing that we com- monlycall the Affurance, or knowledge of our Juftification , in fomedegree atleaft. I prove the contrary. SECT. II. ..,A_Rgament T. From Rom. 2, 13. and 3.20. 28. &c. Therefore by thedeeds of the Law, (hall nofiefh be Jieflified in hisfight ; Thereforeweconclude that a man is Inflified byFaith without, the deeds ofthe Law a For not the hearers of the Law are jull before god, but thedoers of the La*Adbe In,flified. Whence i thus argue, Such luflification at is in Scripture denyed to be' attainable. by the Works of the Law fetch is that Which is affirtlie to be by Faith. Bra it is another lugification,difiinel from that in'co4fcicnce, 'Viz. !reification in thefight of God, Which is denyed to be attainable by works of. the La*. Therefore it isanother Juftification ; viz. in thefight of God, Which is affirmed to 6e by Faith. The major is un- queftionable. The minor is plain in the texts cited alfo. I If any fay , Juftification in confcience , is Juftification in the fight of God ; I anfwer, Its true that God leech when we are Juftified in confcience : but In thefight of God, fignifieth , In the eflimation or ludgensent of God : And ifConon Deo, and coramConkientia, maybe diftinguifbed, as by them they are,then we may difhnguifh them alfo All Juftification in the fight of God, is not Juftifica. tion inconfcience, or in a mans own fight : Andwhere they con- curr, yes are they formallydiftin& things, Many are lull bffore god, that are not yet juft in their own fight, or in the knowledge of it. Argument 2. From Row. 19. 20. That every mouthmay- be flopped, and all tke worldmay become guilty before God : than.fore by thedeeds of the Law 'hall no PA be lufligedin his fight. If it be