193) be gtiltinefs before God, from which we are Juftified by Faith; then it is Justification before God , which is the Juftification by Faith, But the Antecedent is plain in theText, therefore. Though confcience alio thanone day be convinced andwitnefs againft them, and therefore the Text faith, that every mouth (tall be {topped, yet it is of Guilt before. God, that it is convinced ; and this being the Terminus a quo of juftification, it muff needs fol- low, that Juftification is directly before God as being the free- ingus fromguilt before God : Yea in time they are frequently feparated : for many a man is guilty before God long before he stands guilty in the conviction of his own confcience : and fo is many a thoufand Juftified before God long before they are Juftified in their own confciences. Argument 3. Rom. 3.22, 24. Even the R'ighteoufnefs of God, which is by the Faithof lefus Cbrill unto all, andupon all them that believe. Tobe Juftified by Faith, is to have the Righteoufnefs of God to be unto andupon the Believer : But the righteoufhefs of God is unto and upon Believersufually ( ifnot ever) before they are Juftified in their own confciences, therefore. This kerns alt clearer then to need any further confirmation. Argument 4. Rom. 3. 23,24. For all have finned andcomefhort of the glory ofGod, being Itsflifiedfreely by his Grace &c. that is, All them that believe , as the foregoing words exprefs. The Juftification which is byFaith, is oppofed to coming ihort of the glory of 'God : The Juftification in fenfe, is oppofed to the fenfe of our coming Ilion of the glory of God : therefore the Jufti. fication by Faith is not the fame with the Juftification in fenfe ( or confcience. ) This needs no further confirmation. argument 5. Rom. 3. 25,?..6. and 4, 7, 8. /reification by Faith, k thefame thing ( or at leafs, ofthe fame nature of aaion ) with forgivenefs of fin, coveringfin, andnot imputing fin by the Lord : But thefe are di:gin& things, andfeparable from 14ification infenfe or confcience, therefore. Many a mans iniquities are forgiven that knows it not ; and are covered as to,God, that are bare as to thernfelves. God irnputeth not every mans fin to him, that is un- acquainted with Gods non-imputation. Thofe whom I difpute againft,do commonly grant that this non-imputationoffin is not the fame thing with Justification in confcience : But it is the fame thing with Juftification by Faith , as is put paft all doubt in the C c Text; 11;