(194) Text I therefore Juftificationby Faith, and in fenfeor confcience are not all one. Argument 6. FromROM 4. 3. 5. 6. 9.11. 22,23, 24. Abra- hambelievedGod, and it was counted onto him for Righteoufnep But to him that *orketh not, but believetb on him thatjuflifieth the ungodly, his Faith is counted for righteoufnefs. Even as David alfo deferibeth the blefednefs of the man to whom God imputeth righte. ossfnefs Without Works. For wefay that faithwas reckoned to Abra- ham for Righteoufnefs. And he received the fign of Circamcifion, a feel of the righteoufnefs of the faith, Which he hadyet being uncir- cumcifed : that he might be the Father of all them that believe , that righteoufnefs might be imputed to them alfo. And therefore it was imputed to himfor righteoufnefs : Now it was not writtenfor his fake alonethat it V041 imputed to him : Butfor us alfi) to whom it AA&be imputed , if we believe onhim that railed up lefus our Lordfrom the dead. So Gal.3 .6. and Iam. 2. 23. From all thefe I thus argue : Juftification by Faith is the fame thing with Gods Imputing righteoufnefs to us, or imputing Faith for righteoufnefs Juftification in fenfe or confcience, is not the fame thingwith Gods imputing righteoufnefs,or Faith for righte- oufnefs: therefore Iuitificationby Faith is not the fame thingwith Iuftification in fenfe or confcience. The Major is as true as Gods Word. The Minor is yielded by thofe thatI difpute againft, commonly. They fuppofe thit Gods Imputing righteoufnefs to us, is at Chrifts death,or before webe- lieve I though the Scriptureexprefly contradict them. Nay hence I may further argue thus. e"frgument 7. From the forecited Texts. If Iuftifyfng Faith be not the Believing that we are already Juftified or the know.. ledge or feelingofour Juftification or pardon , then Juftification by that Faith is not Justification in fenfe or confcienee : But the former is true : therefore to is the latter. I prove the Antecedent thus ; Believing, or knowing, or feel- ing that we are Juilified or pardoned, doth follow Juftification or pardon.: JuftifyingFaith doth not follow,but go before juitifica- tion and pardon ; therefore believing that we are juflified, is not Juftifying Faith. If they fay, It goeth before Juftification by Faith, but follow- eth Jultification from eternity, or at Chrifts death., I anfwer, , Scripture