Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

('95) Scripture mentioneth no Inch thing as the latter, which they fay, it followeth : However it mull be conleffed that it is not this Juftification which the Apoftle fpeaks of in all this difcourfe ; Ron. 3. and 4. which goeth beforeFaith. For 1. Elle it could not be a Juftification by Faith; 2. Faith it felf is imputed for righte- oufnefs in that Iuftificationwhich is by Faith : But Faith muff exist before it can be imputed for righteoufnefs. And further confider the Faith which they defcribedoth not exift,before Faith is imputed to us for righteoufnefs : Faith is imputed for righteoufnefs before a mandoth believe that he is already Iuftift- ed : therefore Iuftificationby Faith goeth before their Iuftifica- tion in confcience. If any fay, that it is not Faith it felf, but Chrift that is impu- ted for righteoufnefs : I anfwer, I. In fome fenfe Faith it felf is imputed, fife the Apoftie would never fay it , and fay it fo oft as he. doth : andwe are not now on a difcuflion of the fenfe ; but in what fenfe foever it be , Faith muft exift before it be imputed as theApoftle faith it is. 2. Mr. Gataker againft Saltmarfh bath fhewed, that they that fay , Faith is imputed , and they that fay Chrifts righteoufnefs is imputed, and not properlyFaith ,, not differ in fenfe, but in the fitnefs of a phrafe : and he iews it is fit to fay either ; fee the words in him. 3. It is as plain in the Apoftles words, as the tongue of man can fpeak it, that it is Faith that is imputed for righteoufnefs, and not only Chrift believed in. Which I undertake to make clear on any fit occafion, to any man that is trulywilling to know the Truth, and of competent capa- city in fuck matters. In the mean time, fee but what Mr. Wotton de Reeoncil. hash faid, and amGoodwin of Juftification , and fee how Mr. Wotton on7obn,p2g. 45 3 . clears it from Rom. 2. 26. and 9. 8. Where the word imputing is alfo ufed and where you may clearly fee how it is ufed by the Holy-Ghat. Argament e. From Rom. 4. 4, S. Justification by Faith is a Reckoning the Reward to a man of Grace : Juilification in con- fcience is not a reckoni, g of the reward to him ; therefore Jai- fication by Faith is not the fame as Juffification in confcience.* To reckon the Reward to him, is to adjudge it to him, or to judge him to have a Right in it, or togive him that Right in it, of meet' Grace, and not to give him the knowledge or fenfe of his former Right. C C 2, Argument