Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

( 997 ) Judgement. Iuftification . fenfe or confcience is not fo, but fol- lows it : therefore they are not the fame. By Iuftificationof life, is meant thegivingor adjudgingof life to us : But affurance or knowledge that it is given us, follows the gift, and is not properly the Iuftification oflife, but the Iuftifica- tion of comfort. Argument 14. From Rom. 5.19. For as by one mans difobe- dience,many were made finners,f0 by the obedienceof one, fhall many bemade righteous : Hence I thus argue. Iuftification in Paul: fenfe, and which is byFaith, is a making men righteous : Iuftification in feeling or confcience , is not a making men righteous, but followeth it; therefore. Iuftification in Paul: fenfe, and which is by Faith, is not the fame with Juftifi- cation in feeling or confcience. The Major is in the text , andcontext : The Minor is ac- knowledged by them that I difpute againft. To declare to a man that he is righteous, is not to make him righteous , but followeth it ; If it be a true Declaration,the thing mutt be true in order before it be Declared true. By making righteous, I do not mean ( nor doth the text) as the Papifts do, a making us conformable to the Moral Lawof God, by fanaification ; nor yet thegiving us the vertu` of particular luftice whereby we give every man hisown ; but theText by making us righteous, means, making 15 not guilty of death I which is done by remitting our guilt, the Condition of Remifsion ( Faith ) being firft given us. From this text and fume of the reit before cited,I commend to the Readers confideration, whether it be not evident that confti- tntive Iuftification, or makingus righteous, be not that firfi Iufti- fication byFaith, which Scripture mentioneth ? And hereby, I. I would convince thofe of a miftake, that fo precifely tye the word higification to fignifie a fentence of Judgement, that they affirm that this is the Iuftification, yea the only iuftification by Faith that the Scripture mentioneth'? Whereas-it is a making us righte- am that Paul means, which is doneby the Prornife, or Legal Do- nation or Condonation, and goes before the Sentence ; and May it felf be well called Sententia Legio, and that far better then we may fo fpeak of the Laws of men. ( as I could thew by clearrea- fon ; ) and it is Virtually the Sentence of God as fudge ( at leaft. ) I confefs that Iuflification moll: fcrialy fignifieth the In- C c 3 dicial