a 41.11.1111.1.1.111111 (198) dicial Sentence : But it is plain that, in Pauli Epiftles it fignifieth more frequently the Sentence of the New Law. 2. Let the Reader here judge,whether Mr. Crandom reviling me as a deluding Papiff, for diftinguifhing between Conflitutive and Sentential Juftification as having no ground in Scripture, did more credit the Papifts, or himfelf, and were any, wifer and hone- her then the reft of his book ? t. I might have diftinguifhed be- tween things offo known, palpabledifference as 741-ficatio juris; and itififficigtioyudicis, though theScripture had laid nothing of it ; becaufe it fuppofeth the matters of commonReafon and na- tural verity. 2. But yet he may eafily fee both branches of the Diftin6tion in many texts of Scripture , and particularly Confti- tutiveJuftification is in this, if making or Conftituting righteous be Juftifying, as the terms, and the foregoing 18. verfe do thew that it is. Here is IV*, dliCt r? Corcaccil's irc)s 'mutat xxl.ts-ctarurn '7e7o it A oppofed to chca: stcwego4 717 cirOeoi,ou cip.xv700x0i xeCle- cnow cl 'i01. Andhe that hateth and curfeth every man that faith to the wicked Thou art righteous, and that Juftifieth the wicked ; will undoubtedlymake a man righteous before he fen- tence or declarehim righteous. And for the other branchof the diftinelion, if I muff prove that there is fuch a thing as juftificationby fentence in judge- ment (that is, that there isa Judgement and a Sentence ; ) and it benot enough to prove that we than be judged by Chrift , who fhall come to Iudge the quick and the dead ; to omit many more, I only now refer fuch a man to Math. 12. 36, 37. But / fa) uvtoiou,that every idle Word that men fhallfpeak, they fhallgive account thereofin theday of ludgement. For 6y thy words thou fhalt be juflfled, and by thy words thou fhalt be condemned ; viz. in that day of Tudgement. cArgument t From Rom. 8. r, 2. The "unification which Paul treats of, freeth us from the Lawof fin and death ; Inflifi- cacior in feeling or confcience , freeth us but from the Accufa.; tior0bf tonfcience , and inward difquiet of minde ; there- fore. " It will prove a dangerous Doetrine, to teach that God doth make internal Declarations the Inftrument of conveying right to his favours, or the foundation of our Right, and fo lead men from