(199) from that lure Word which is the Inftrument and foundation- The obligation of theLaw which is diffolved by Juftification , is an Ad of Law, whether we feel it or not ; and not an ad of confcience, nor alwayes there felt : therefore it muff be anad of Law, that mull diffolve that obligation (to punifhment) andnot anad ofconfcience, nor an ad upon confcience, asfuch. But of this more anon. Argument 16. From Rom. 8.3o. Whom he called, them he alfo jrsftified, andwhom he Wified, them he alfo g lorified. The Juni- fication that 'Paul fpeaks of, and is byFaith, belongeth to all the called : The Juflification in feeling or in confcience , belongs not toall the called : therefore they arenot one kinde ofJunification. I shall fay more to this alfo anon. Argument 17. FromRom. 8. 33,34. who fhall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elea ? it U God that lugifieth ; Who is he that condemneth? The 'unification that Paulfpeaks of, is oppofed to mansAccufation, as that which it freeth us from , as to the effect of it : But fo is not the Itafication in feeling orconfcience; there- fore they are not all one. It is not in our Confciences that men Accufe us : they have no Accefs thereto : they lay no charge there againft us. Argument 18. From the fame place.The 'unification that Paul treats of, is oppofed to condemnation byany man whomfoever But fo is not 'unification in confcience ; therefore they are not the fame. Argument 19. From Rom. I I. 3o. The gentiles Which followed not after Righteoufnef s, have attainedto Righteoufnefs , even the Righteoufnefs Which is of Faith. The 'unification which Paul treats of is attaining to righteoufnefs even the righteoufnefs which is of faith. 'unification in foro Confcientide is not an at- taining to Righteoufnefs, but to theknowledge or apprehenfion that weare righteous : therefore they are not the fame 'unifica- tion, Argument 20. From Rom.10. 4, ro.- For Chrift is the endof the Law, for righteoufnefs,to every one that Believeth. For With the heart man believeth unto righteoufners, and with the mouth corp!: fan made unto falvation. The runiEcation that Paul fpeaks of, is.a becoming righteous upon our believing Chrift being then our