( 200 our Righteoufnefs : Tuflification in confcience is not fo , but a knowledge or fenfe of it : therefore they are not the fame. Argument 21. From gat. 2. 16. andzr. compared. The 'uni- fication which Paul treats of and is by Faith, is the comingof righteoufhefs by Chrift; as oppofite to the coming of righteouf. nefs by the Law, (to the perfon fo juflified) : But fo is not 'nth- fication inconfcience theiefore,,&c., e/frgument 22. FromGal. 3. 3, 9. All that have the blefling Promifed to Abraham, and the faithful withhim, are juftified in Paul's fenfe, andby Faith. All that have that blefiing are not "unified in foro Conrcientia : therefore they are feparable, and oft separated, and not the fame. If all that are not 'unified in con- fcience or feeling, are not bleffed with Abraham, ( that is are not heirs of the promifed Kingdom , ) and his feed then woe to thoufands of poor difireffed Chriftians, whoM by their lives, wehave taken hitherto for fincere. Argument 23. FromGal.. 3. Ir. But that no man is "unifiedby the La* in thefight of God, it is evident ; for the jun [hall live by Faith. 'unification by Faith, and in Paul, fenfe, is the life of the juft, and is in the fight of God : 'unification inforo Confcientia, is not fuch , but followeth it ; therefore they are not the fame. Argument 24. From Gal. 3.2r, 22. Is the LaW then again[ the Promifes of god? Clodforbid ? For if there had been a Law givenwhich couldhavegiven life, verily righteoufnefs fhould have been by the Lath. But the Scripture bath concluded all under fin that the ` Promife by Faithof lefits Chrin might be given to them that believe. From thefe words I may raife divers Arguments One is from the Infirument, and foundation of the Relation , the Law; the PrornifeJuilification in 'Pauly fenfe,and by Faith,isfuch asthe Promife cloth give,and the Lawwould have given,if it could have given Life. Iuftification infore Confcientia is not this, but a confequent of it : therefore For theMajor,tbat the Text fpeaks of Juftification, is evident in thofe words, RighteoufnefS fhould have been by the Law. For the Minor,it is confeffed by the moil learned ofmine Antagoniils, whofe main plea is, that uilification is only the Sentence of the judge,, and not of the Law or Promife. And in the thing it felf it 1