(20i) it is evident,in that to allure the conference, is a reparable effect, that alway follows not the Law or Promife : but CO convey Legal right to the benefit conferred, is an infeparable effect, loon as the Promife at and is effeetual. This (hews alfo that 7u1 7uris, is true Juftification. Argument 25. From the fame words I argue thus. Juftification in 'Path fenfe, and by Faith, is either the givingof life, or an ad ofthe famenature : Juftification in confcience is not fo, but is the giving of Affurance, knowledge or fenfe that life is before given us : therefore theybe not all one. eiirgument 26. From the fame words I argue thus. Juftifica- tion in Paul: fenfe,and by Faith,is oppofite to the concludingmen under fin ; Iuftification in confcience is not fo, but is oppofite to the knowledge or fenfe of our being concluded under fin, or to the concluding our [elves under fin; and not to Gods concluding them under it by Law : therefore they are not all one. Argument 27. From qal. 1. 24,26.7abring us unto , that We might hjuflified by Faith : For ye are all the children of cod, by Faith inCiorift ?elms : Juftification by faith, and in Paul: fenfe is the fame, or of the fame fort as to the act , as is the ma- king us the children of God. But fo is not Juftification in con- fcience , but is as the fenfe or affurance that we are already the childrenof God : thereforer&c. Argument 28. Titus 3. 7. Gal. 3. 24. and 4. 5, 7. Tuftifica- tion in Paul: fenfe is of the fame kind of action , as the making us heirs according to promife, or goes before it. Iuftification in confcience, is not fo, but follows it, being the Declaring to our felves that we are already heirs according to Promife : therefore they are not the fame. Argument 29. From Gal. 4. 6. and ROM. 8. 16. Becagfe ye are Sons, God bathfentforth the Spirit of his Son intoyour hearts , crying iibba Father. The Spirit it felf beareth witnefs With our Spirits, that we are the children of God ; Gods witnefs in our hearts that we are jufhfied and are his children, ( whichis the thingwhich they call .ruftifying us in Toro Confcientia ) is given to us, becaufe we are firft his children ; and therefore after we are his children, and therefore after we are Iullified ; and there- fore isnot the fame with Iufhfication, inPaul: fenfe,and by faith, D d ( for