Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(202). ( for it is by faith that we are made the children of God ; God. 3. 26. Argument 30. Gal. 5. 4. Chrift is of no eff41 to you ; whoever ofyou are justified by the Law,yeare fallen from Grace. The con- tinuance in Iuftification in Pauli fenfe,and by faith, is oppofite to Chrift being of none dee! to tos ; and fallingfrom Grace ; that is, Gods favour : The continuance in Ratification infaro Confeien- tia is nor fo, but is oppofite to Clorifi not affording us theknow- ledge of his efficacy to us ; and to falling, from thefenfe or know- ledge of Grace : therefore they are divers. Argument 31. From Ephef. I. 6, '7. To the praile of the glory of hisGrace, wherein he bath accepted as, in the beloved in whom we have Redemption through his blood, the forgivenefs of fins , &c. Juftification in Pauli fenfe, is the fame with Acceptance in the be- loved, and Remiflion of fins. Jultification inconfcience, is not fo but is the Declarationof that Acceptance and Remifsion ; there- fore they are divers. Argument 32 From Phil. 3.9 Andbefound in hian,not having my own righteoufnefs, which is ofthe Lawkst that Which is through the Faith of Chrift ; the righteourneft Which is of God by Faith. Doubtlefs this is a defcription of a ftate of Juftification. The Iuftification that Paul treats of, and is by Faith , is that which followeth, being found in Chrift, and confifteth in not having a righteoufnefs of the Law of our.own, but having the righteouf- nefs, which is of Chrift by Faith. The Ratification in confcience is not fuch ; but, is our knowledge that weare in Chrift , Y and have, his righteoufnefs, which is by Faith : therefore. Argument 3 3. From hem. 2. Iuftification in lames his fenfe, was fuch as falvation depended on verf. 14. and as confifted in Gods Imputation, verf. 23. Iuftification in confcience, is not fo$ but is only theDeclaration. of this to our felves ; therefore they are not the fame. , eArgument 34. From John 1, 1,12. As many as received non, to themgave he power to become theSons of God , even to them that believe in his name. Adoption, which is an aft of the fame nature with IuftificationAnd concomitant, if not part of it , cloth not confift in a Declaration to our confciences that we are ions ; but in givingpower, or Authority to becomeEons; ( which is by the Promife or Law of Grace, and not by fentence- internal- or eter-, nal:)