Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(2o3) nal: ) . therefore Juftification in thrifts fenfe here and which is by Faith , confilieth ,not in a-Declaration to our confciences, that we ate righteous -but in giving us power, Priviledge or Authority to .become righteous. The Reafon is the tame. 4rgoolenc 35. From loh. 3. IS. The Juffification by Faith is rh'd writ.ten hither, before 1 delcribed as confining in Not beinceondemntd of:polite to bei':g betted of mr. condemned already, bec,itife he believed, not, &c, whichmutt needs Ctandons be a condemnation -in Law, and not in confcience, for death, every fuch a one is not then fo condemned already , nor is every Believer not-Condemned by his own Confci- ence. Argument 36. A molt effe6tual Argument may bedrawn from Cor. 4.3, 4, 5. Where Paul faith, he is not 'unified, becauf% he is confcious of nothing to himfelf,and flighteth mans Iudgement, and oppofeth both' to Gods , which will not be perfeded till the time of his Judgement Come. I had rather defire the Reader to study the Text well, then fay any more from it. Amultitude moreofScripture Arguments might be produced, but I have been numerous enough already.' {hall add fome from . the natureof the thing,ancl the Analogie of Faith. SECT. III. A Rgument I. If there be a Tuftification byFaith in point of Law or Right; that ever goes before luttification in faro Conreientia, then it is not 'unification in fa-o Confcientia that is the 'unification byFaith which the Scripture treats of. But the Antecedent is true ; therefore Co is the Confequent. TheConfequence ofthe Major is p,oved thus : The 'unifica- tionby Faith, which Scripture treats of, ( at lean commonly , if not ever, as I fuppofe, when it excludeth all works) is the flrft Iuttification by Faith, or of the fame fort, and not any following fort, overpafsing the first : therefore the Confequence is good. I know but one man, if any, that denyeth this or that affirmeth it is only a fecond laitication of a different fort from the firft, Dd z that §. 3.