(204) that Scripture rneatieth by lufisfication by Faith nor is there anyprobability that our firft 'unification by Faith fhould be fi- fenced and paffed over, and a fecond ( ofa far lower nature) on- ly , or ufually mentioned without it When I know any to difpute againft , I than eafily prove what in this I af- fert. And for the Antecedent (that there is a Itiflification by Faith in point of Law or Right, before that of confcience ) I prove it thus : Noman is by God , or a well informed confcience , de- dared to be perfonally , actually juft, before he be perfonally actually jut} indeed : But no man is perfonally aaually jun-indeed but byFaith : therefore. The Major is plain, in that God and a well informed con- fcience declare nothing but the truth : Rut if they fhould de- clarehim to be perfonally adually juft, that is not fo, they fhould declare anuntruth : therefore. I fay perfonally and aelmally ; becaufe it isnot righteoufnefs as it is in Chrift only, not madeours, nor our perfons thereby yet righteous, that can juftifie us, that have it not in Right : 2. Be- caufe it is not a righteoufnefs meerly potential, or in Caufa a that can juftifie us actually.. And for the Minor, that none is fo juft but by Faith, almoft all the Scriptures forecited prove,with many more : Without Faith it impolsible to pleafe God. He& z r. 6. The frill 'hall liveby Faith. It it the raghteostfnefr which is byfaith; andfaith that is imputed for righteettfiseir , &c. Here the common fubterfuge, is by bring- ing in the cafe of Infants, which have not Faith. To which I fill fay, 1. That our dircourfe is fuppofed, and to be of the aged, and the cafe of infants obfcure : and fo is the Scriptureit felf to be underftood , unlefs you will fay, all dying in Infancy are dam- ned. 2. Infants are righteous by Chrift upon their Parents. Be- lieving. The ordinary oppofers have nothing that I knowof againft all this that I have faid ; but two learned men that have more wit then the reit, have each of them an objeftion. The frit faith , that the firft 'unification by Faith is indeed by themoral Aft of the L awof Graceor Promife, but it is neverthelefs terminated in confcience ; for it is confcience which the Promife (peaks