(205) (peaks to and allures. To which I fay, as I did before : The ac of the Promife, Law or Grant, conftituting Right, Gi-, ving Title, Remitting theObligation to Punithment, in it felf is totally diftind from the atof declaring this to our felves which is faid to be terminated in confcience , and is before it and may be without it. A man may by the PrincesGrant, be made free,or noble, before he know it ; and fo may a Traytor be actually par- doned beforehe know it,feeing the Princespardon doth remit the Guilt, and Conftitute a Right to Impunity , before it notilie this to the offendor, at lean in order of nature, if not of time. The other obje6teth , that its undenyable that men are Con- filtuted hitt , or pardoned by the Covenant or Promife, before they are 'unified inconfcience but it is not the former, but the latter, that is called in Scripture , 'unification ' teeing Juftifica- tion is ever fententia , andnot Logi,. To which I Re- PlY I. I have fully proved the contrary before. 2. Gods Laws are fuch, that in tome of themmay be faid Is- dicii parte, agere in fome meafure, as well as Legiflatori4 much execution being done without any other intervening fentence then, thatin theLaw ; and God having fo exa6:Hy fitted his Law to mens cafes, and defcribed the cafe in the Law , that Judgement is lefs neceffary in thofe cafes, efpecially where himfelf is the un-_ erring Executioner he may flay them if he take them in the fa& 3. Sententia Legi , is a common phrafe , and though not fo proper as Sententia lasdicir yet here it is not unt fit. 4. What means the Scripture to talk fo much of 'unification by theLaw , and to yield that theLaw would Juttifie us , could it have given life, or were it not weak through the Flab ? And Iunification by Chrift and the Promife, is oppofed to 'unification by theLaw : It is plain therefore, that its primarily of Iuttifica- tion in Law fenfe or Right that Pahl treateth, and fecondarily or confequentially of Iuftification , by fentence at Iudge ( which is alfo oft mentioned direaly ; ) but never that T can End doth he once call that !unification, which is bu t the Decla- Tation ofour righteoufnefs,to or by our confcience s. D d 3 1