Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

!! ( 206 ) 5. At the utmoft, all is granted us by this objeftion fave the name. or it is confeifed that we are byFaith made righteous., ( by Chrilts fatisfaaion, and Merit,as the deferving Calle , and by Remitiion of fin as the thing ) before we are justified incon- fcience : And to fay we are made righteous. but not juilified, is to be more or lefs accurate then Scripture or then Grammarians are : Though we confels that there is a fentential Juffification after making righteous. I would not therefore make any more debate about the name Juflification , when the thing is granted were it not that by this'advantage, the Erroneous will interpret all the texts that ufe the word Iuftification, of Iuffification in con- fcience only, to the noimall wrong of the Scripture , themfelves andothers. I mutt be fhorter in the next. edirgument 2, In the iuffification in confcience, man juftiheth himfelf, or is the true efficient caufe of that his luitification. In the Iuttification by Faith, which P.m/ treats of, man doth not ju- Lb& himfelf, nor isany true efficient caufe ofit : therefore they are not the fame kind of Iuftification, The Major is undenyable, at leaft, if it be not an Enthuliafm, which they fpeak of, fuch as the Prophets Revelationswere : fuch an a6t as knowledge is, fuch is confcience. 0mne Confcire, eftfcire. If it were proved that Intelligere eli tanttempati non-agere, and fo that the Intelleet were a meer patient in receiving its part yet Intelleetion is but an Introduciive a3 or pafsion : that is more fully laid to be done to or on the man, which reacheth the heart : and in that the Intelle&mull be Aftive, or elfe the order of the natural operationof mans foul mutt be fubverted If the Will or Affeaions be moved by fupernatural Truths or Matters, and not by the a&ion and meditationof the intellea, itwill not be atitts lammInw, not a rational aft. But luffificationby Faith is not fuch, I think. r.frgurnent 3. Tuftikation in confcience, or in any Declara- tion tothe fool, is of divers Degrees, at grit : (for ought i know as different as there be perfons ; ) one juttified more and ano- ther lets : I offs kationby Faith in Paul, fenfe, is in all men at their firft believing , in the fame meafure : therefore they are not the fame _Mitt kation The Major is undoubted ; I. From Chrifti experience :, . 2. From rite nature of the thing and quality ofour faculties , which