Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(.207 ) which God makes ufe of in that fort of Iultification. So that it is as needlefs to prove it further as to prove that one man knows more then another, or that one man lives more comfortably then another, or bath more affurance, The Minor is commonly granted by Proteftants. Our juffifica- tion at our 'Al believing, is in the Remifsion of fins paft : and all mens fins are equally, remitted ; all menhave equal right to impu- nity . and equal right to glory. The conclufion therefore muff needs follow. Argument 4. Iuftification in confcience may rife and fall in degrees every day in the fame perfons Juftification by faith in Scripture fenfe , doth not fo : therefore they are not the fame. The Major needs noproof, but confulting the common experi- ence of our felves and others. What man hath the fame know- ledge and feeling of GodsLove, or the pardon of fin one time as at another : yea or long together ? To whofe foul doth God declare Remifsion of fins, every day , and at all times alike ? The Minor is commonly acknowledged by thofe that I difpute againft Only fome may queftion whether I hold it my felf ; which I have fpoke enough tobefore. Iuftification by Faith in Scripture fenfe may be faid to be increafed as to the addition of new fins remitted, which were not remitted before ; or as to the degree of Caftigatory punifhment remitted : but not as to the nature of the aet of Remifsion, nor as to the right to eternal life ( though Iultification by fentence beyet of a higher kind ) But Juftification in confcience , is increafed in the very nature of the thing : And as it may rife, fo may it fall again, many times a day. But Juftification by faith , is not changed according .to every change inour apprehenfions. Argument 5. A man is not actually ;deified in confcience,when he is a fleep,or wholly taken up with other thoughts ( and then I doubt molt ofus, liveunjuftified the fargreater part ofour lives:) But a man is juftified by faith he is a fleep and wholly taken upwith other thoughts :therefore thefe are not one fort of IultiEcation. creirgument 6. Iultification in conic ence is frequently loft aThcl repaired again : Juftification by faith in Scripture fenfe, is not frequently