Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(208) freqnently (nor at all) loft and repaired again : therefore they are not the fame fort of luttification. The Major is proved by the common experience of Chriftians ; who fometime ( at lealt many) do quite foie all Apprehenfions of the pardon of their own tin and of Gods fpecial love to them The Minor is commonly maintainedby our Divines againft the Arminians, Lu- therans and Papifts lave only that Davenant, and fome others , and it feems the Sinod of Dort, excepted infant juftification from being not-lofeable)But we fpeak of that ofactual Believers. Argument 7. Justification in confcience is not enjoyed by every true Believer. Justification by Faith is enjoyed by every true Believer : Therefore they are not the fame. For the Ma- jor, I appeal to experience : The Minor is paft queftion. Only I muff anfwer one great objectionagainft the Major, which may be made. Obj. Whoever believeth, taketh Chrift for his Saviour and Believeth the Promife of Pardon and falvation : and therefore he muff needs believe that Chrift is his Saviour , and confequently his Juftifier : and that there is a Promife of his pardonand falvation. Arfni. Whoever believeth to Juilification, believeth that Chrift is the Saviour , having made himfelf a facrifice for fin , and received power to pardon : alfo that Godoffereth Chrift to him as well as others : and alfo that there is a Promife offalvation made through Chrift to all that will believe fincerely, and therefore to him, if he fo believe : He alfo confenteth unfeignedly that Chriii fbould be his Lord and Saviour on the terms that he is of on. And he that goes thus far, believeth to Justification. But this fame man that doth thus believe, may be ignorant that he doth believe fin. cerely : Either not knowing the nature of favingFaith as di- find from common Faith, but thinking a common Faith may go further then it can : Or elfe not knowing his own heart, or mif- judgingof what he cloth through fear and temptations : and fo he may conclude he is an hypocrite, or unbeliever, as havingbut a temporary faith, and not a faving faith : and thence he may conclude, that though Chrift be offered, yet he doth not fincere. ly accept him, and though there be a Promife of pardon and life to true Believers, it is not effectual to himwho is none.' conclude therefore,that every true Believer is notJuftified in confcience : Some may be condemned by a mifinformed confcience : What