Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(209) What more common then the fad experience of fuch Cafes ? Argument 8. juffification in Confcience, is a thing that a true Believer may not only live without, butdie without : iuftifi- cation by faith is no fuch thing : therefore they arenot the fame: . Experience tells us of Godly people that have dyed without the former (intro qui nece violentafeiplosperdiderant ) : 2. God bath no where promifed that a Believer limit not dye till he attain Iuftification in Confcience : or if he lofe it , that he fha1,1 not dye till he have recovered it. At leafy I may thus argue. Argument 9. Iuftification in confcience doth not evermore immediately and infeparably accompany Iuftifying , or true fa- ving faith : Iuftification by faith doth evermore immediatly and infeparably accompany fuch a faith : therefore they are not the fame. Argument 10. No Infants are Iuffified inconfcience ; All the Infants of Believers that are in a ftate of falvation bye that Iuftification which is by faith ; therefore they arenot the fame. To prove the Major;thereneeds no more then to prove that they have not theufe of reafon ; for if they do not fcire, they do not confeire. The Minor is proved thus ; 1. It is the fame Promife that is Iwouldcot tri- made toBelievers, and to their feed, as the feed of Believers ; and piefrom the nfants the faith of the Parent, is the Condition ofthat Promife ; there- cafeofi fore the Infant is fo Iuffified by Promife , upon the Parents be- eibnic? of the they mull be difcharged and juffifiedby a Law,or Promife as well farce 83 lieving, as well as the Parenthimfelf is. I refer you for this to no? what I have faid in my Bookof Baptifm. tbis more plain one, big 2. Infants Rand accufed and condemned by a Law ; therefore withmen that wit1co do as others. 3. if Infants have no Promifeofpardon,then what differ they themfelves. from the Infants of Heathens. 4. And if therebe no Promife of their pardon , who can tell that any of them ever are pardoned. 5. Orwho can Baptize them for Remiffion of fin. All this I fay, as to them that fay,Infants and all the Elea are juftified in Chrift when he fatisfied ; and this may fave them that are not E e c.213al?le