..111"1"mumilmINIMME ( 210 ) capable of Believing. But to what is fail, I further an- fiver. 6. No manbath anaaual right in ehrift , or aaual Remif- fionor Iuftification, uponthe meer payment and acceptance of the ranfom, without a further means of conveyance ; Noword of God gives any fuch Right. Let them prove it that af- firm it. 7. Infants have no other kindeof Right to Chrift , then the agedhave, upon themeer payment of the price, before a further conveyance . But the aged are not in a flare of Juftification or falvation by it before further conveyance : therefore Infants are not. 8. Elfe according to this Doarine, why maywe not faythat Heathen Indians arePaved by Chrift, as well as Chriftians In- fants ? For thoy are not called tobelieve in Chrift any more then Infants : And either Infants of Believers have fome Promife of pardon, more then the Heathens that never heard the Gofpel, or they have not : If they have no more Promife, then we muff fay alike of them, that either both may be Elea, and fo Juftified inChrift without Faith or Promife ; or that neither are Elea, juflified or laved. If there be a Promife to our Infants ofpardon, more then to thofe Pagans ; then I have what I feek : viz. That Infants have aJuftification inLaw or by Promife, diftina from that in confcience , and from the benefit which flows from Chrifts death , meerly as a price paid and accepted, without a further Conveyance of a fpecial Right , which all have not. Argument i 1. Juftification in confcience, is but a Declaration or knowledge that we were actually juftified ( or maderighte, ous ) before. Juftification byFaith in Scripture-fenfe is not fo but the making us firft aftually righteous : therefore they are divers. e"frgument 12. Juftification inconfcience freed. us but from :the Accufation, Condemnation, and Confequent terrors of con- fcience, and not from the effea of Satans, and the Laws Accu, fations before God, nor fromGods Condemnation. Juftificati- on by Faith, in the Scripture fenfe, freeth us from thefe latter,and not alwaies from the former : therefore they are not the fame. Our falvation depends on our Juftification by Faith in Law , or before God, (as many Scriptures thew) : but our falvationcloth not depend on the knowledge of this, and of juitification in con- fcience.