Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

.10.11111.11111. (.2g t) fcience. It is only our comfort that dependeth on that.Our peace with God is the attendant of one, and our peace of confcience of the other. Juftification in confcience (commonly, and more fitly calledAffurance, or fome degree of theknowledge of par- don) is a great mercy, and highly tobe valued. But compared to our Juftification by Faith in Right and before God,it is fmall and inconsiderable : differing from it as much as a mans prefent com- fort differs from his fafety and eternal falvation. He that liveth fadly here, may dye well and live happily hereafter. Or,take the Argument thus. Juftification in confcience diffol- veth not the Laws obligation to punifhment Juftification, or pardon of fin in Law-fenfe by Faith , doth diffolve the Laws obligation to punifhment : therefore they are not the fame. c.Irgument 13. Juftification by confcience is by a 'fallible and unauthorifed Judge ( as to any certain decifion ) : Juftification by Faith is, by God the fupream,rightful, infallible Judge; there- fore they aredivers. I know nothing by my felf faith Paul, yet am not thereby juftified : there is one that Judgeth , even the Lord : Hereby he expreffeth that confcience hath not authority of Decifion for life and death, but of Difcretion for comfort or difcomfort. Argument 14. Men may be juftified in confcience by other Graces as well as by Faith, and in the fame kind and rank , Co- ordinate with it, if not without any confideration of it. ( for he that can find Love, Hope , true Humility, &c. may receive the knowledge of Gods Love by them by wayof evidence, as well as by Faith) But Juftification byFaith is in a fpecial and princi- pal manner by Faith ; therefore, &c. If any fay, I equal them my felf. I Anfw i. I have (hewed before that I donot. 2. If I did , yet the Argument is good ad borninem, in that I pleadupon their principles with whom I. deal. 06j. But it is not objedively by wayof evidence only that Faith juitifieth in confcience, but it is effectively ex natura aaus be- caufe Juftifying Faith is a Believing that I am juft in drift. .410. Then either you were fo before, or not. If not you be- lieve a falfhood. If you were, either byFaith, or without. Not without 1 For without Faith it is irnpoffible to pleafe God and it is by Faith that we are juftified : being till then all concluded un- der fin t If byFaith, then you were juftified by Faith, before that E e z Juftification