Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(212) Juftification byFaith which you plead for. Furthermore ; your belief that you are juftified in Chrift , is either fuch an acct as all ought to perform, or not : If it be, then either molt muft be- lieve anuntruth, or elfe it is only fome common Juftification that youmean,which all are partakers of : but that is not it in queftion now. Ifnot, then either you have fome ground more then others in Gods Word, for to bottom your Faith of particular Itiftifica- tion in Chrift upon, or not : If you have, either that Scripture nameth you (which it doth not ) or it defcribeth you as a quali- fiedperfon diftinCt from others by fome qualification by which you, mayknow your fell. But this it doth not : and to affert fuch qualifications before Faith, to which Iuftification is annexed , is Pelagianifm, or worfe. If you have no grounds in Gods Word to bottomyour particular belief on, which all have not , then I. Your particular beliefis confeffed not to be grounded on the Word, and then I had rather it were yours, then mine : at leaft, durft not milt to it. 2. Then it muft have the very nature of an Immediate Euthufiafm or Revelation from Heaven and if you fay, you have fuch, I will not deny it ; but if you fay ; All the juftified by Faith have fuch, I than not believe you in the leaft , without better proof. Argument 15. If Juftification by Faith , be juftification confcience, then Juftification is a part of Sandification ( which is the work of the Spirit making a Real change on the foul.) But Juftification by Faith is not a part of Sandification. Therefore it is not Juftification in confcience. The Minor is undenyed. The confequence of the Major is proved from the defcription of them both : Sanctification is the Real mutationon the Intellect andWill; on the Intellect , it is illumination, with Divine verities On the Will, it is the entertainment of thefe as good, d-c. Judification in con- fcience, isGods illuminating our underftandings to fee the Truth of our Condition, that we are righteous ; and, the affeding the heart toRejoyce herein; bothare a real change, and an illuumi- nation, whereas Proteitants have taken Juftification hitherto to be a Relative change , and diftinguifiled it from Sanertification, and that in this refped:. ( Though executive Remillion be a Real change.) ,drgliment 16. If the. Faith whereby we are itiftifted in Scri- pture