Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(213) pture, fenfe, be not the fame a4aof Faith, with that whereby Vae are fuppofed to be juftified in confcience , then the Juftifications are not the fame : But the Antecedent is true; therefore fo is the Confequent. TheAntecedent ( which only requireth proof) is proved by the defcriptionof each of them. The Faith whereby they feign that we are Juftified in confcience, is,fay they, a particular belief that my ownfins arepardoned; or that I am juftified, or righte- ous inChrifts righteoufnefs, or that I amElea : Or a perfwafion of this; or an Affuranceof it. TheFaith wherebywe are jufti- fied in Scripture- fenfe, isa believing the Gofpel , and that Chrift is the (..24afflah , and au acceptingof him as he is offered in the Gofpel : It is a receiving of Chrift Jefusthe Lord As many as receivedhim, to them he gives this power ; 74.1.12. Or it is a believing in or on Chrift for Iuftification and pardon , and not a believing that we are pardoned already.The conclufion therefore cannot be avoided. Argument 17. If Iuftification by Faith, be that in confci- ence, and fuch as the moil learned maintainers of it affirm ( that is, an immediate fupernatural Declaration of God to the foul, that it is abfolved, without our own difcourfe to colic& it by way of Conclufion from other Premifes) then the duty of Examina- tion, to try whether we be in the Faith, and whether Chrift be in us, kerns vain : But the Confequent is unfound : therefore fo is the Antecedent. The reafon of the Confequence is here, where God immediately by fupernatural Revelation declareth to a man that he is juftified, there is no ufe for his own reafonings and col- leaion thereto : Nomore then of a Candle at noon : for Gods immediate Declaration is the fulleft teftimony ; efpecially if it be fo convincing and deciding as the maintainers do affirm it. But all that are juftified by Faith, according to them, have thefe De- monftrations, or Declarations from heaven : therefore to all believers do they make examination ufelefs which yet the Scri- pture dothcommand. Arfsinew 18. If God juilifie all Believers by fuch an imme- diate Revelation or Declaration toconfcience ( or any the like ) then Iuftification may be felt, and ddeemed in fe, as fandtfication may, and not only in and by its figns, caufes , effe s , concomi- tants- But the contrary pathhitherto been the D o6:rine of Pro- E e 3 teltant....))