Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(z14) teftants,who have taught that election and Tuftification cannot be difcerned in themfelves but only by the figns,as fanetification,&c. Argument 19. That Doctrine is not true, which contradiCleth the experience of the Generality of the Godly, in a cafe where- in their experience is fit for decifion. But this Dodrne ( of the moll learned of that way ) that jultification by Faith, is fuch an immediate Declaration to the confcience or foul, without the ufe of mans reafoning to coiled it, is contradictory to the experience of the generality ( themolt) of the Godly, ( of my acquain- tance, fo far as I can learn) : therefore, &c. Sure I am, I know not my felf of any witnefs or Declaration of God to my foul , which was not in the natural way of difcourfe ( though fuper- naturally excited, aflifted and fucceeded ) ; the Intellect recei- ving the objeCtive Species, and feeing a Reafon for the Conclufi- on in the Premifes : andnot that ever I knew any Conclufion, which is revealed neither innature, Scripture, nor by humane te- ftimonie, without knowing the Premifes, and how it rifeth from them. Yet I confefs I have experience of ftrange unufual in- comes of Light, and very fuddenly, when I 'eat expefted it ; but it is only ina Revelation ofConclufions from Premifes, chewing me fuddenly the reafon ofthings which I obferved not,or fought after before invain. But never found I an immediate Revelation, Euthufiafm, or Vifion. Argument 20. That Doctrine is not to be embraced which tends directly to the deludingof fanatick, proud and melanchol- ly perfons, and to drive all fober Chriftians,or moit,to unavoid- able defpair ; But fuch is this Dobrine, that all that are juftified, have fuch immediate fupernatural Revelations, that they are ju- ftified or pardoned, without the ufe of difcourfe to tolled} it : therefor i. HowdireCtly doth this encourage every one that bath a firong melancholly, opinionated, or diabollically deluded fan. cy to conclude that they are Jai fied by Revelation. 2. Howneceffarily cloth it leave the generality of fober Chri- ftians to defpair, who never felt fuch Revelations, when it is concluded that all the juftified, that is the faved,muft feel them. 3. What means is there to difcern delufions, from fuchRevela- tions, 4. All Chriftiansthen mutt live by feeling , if this hold. CHAP