Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(I ) oss.111.....118..1 CHAP. IX. The reams why Ijudge that the Fled are not jullified from Eternity, nor at Cbrifis death, nor while they are Infidels or impenitent.iind that we didnotMerit or fatisfie juflice in Chrip; but he did it in theper Jon of a Mediator. SECT. I. H4viti" I think ) proved that the Juflification by Faith, that Scripture fpeaks of, is not the fame thing which they call Juftification inforeConfcientia, or Gods Declaration to the foul, or fentence in the foul that we are just or pardoned , I am next to prove that we are not juftified from eternity, or from the deathof Chrift. The formeras diftind from the latter , I will fpeakof but briefly, and then fpeak to both conjundly. TheElea are not juftified fromEternity : I prove it thus. Argument 1. To be juftified, is either to be made juft, or wit- neffed to be juft, or maintained, by Apologie tobe juft, or efteem- ed juft, or fentenced juft. But the Eled are in none ofall thefe fenfes juftified from eternity : therefore not at all. Yet I deny not but a man may, if be will fpeak unfitly, put the name of Iuftification upon fome ad that is eternal, and then ifhe fo fay, we are juftified frometernity, the thing that he meaneth is true ; though the words in the proper fenfe are falfe ? For the Major, if they have any other fit fenfe of the word Iuftification, whenwe know it, we (hall knowwhat to fay to it. For Dr. Tiinf- let Nonpunire, Nofie punire, I have faid enough in another writingto it. To which I will now addbut this. Should we grant that §. r.