Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(216) that Remiffion of fin maybe expreffed by thole terms; it mull be on fuppofition of the exiftence of a Capable object : that is, that it be about a guilty perfon. For as it is Effential to Punfh- mem, that it be propter peccaturn, for a fault ( real, or millakingly judged fo, at leak, and if it beotherwife, it is but Affliftion and no Punifhment : So is it effential to any. Non punire, or Nollepu- nire which may be called Remiflion,that the party be guiltywho is the °bled. Yea and that it be an ad of God as Redor , of mankinde : ( or Angels in their cafe. ) Otherwife God might be faid to juftifie or pardon a (tone or a tree from eternitys becaufe he do th Nonpunire, not punifb them, and punire, refolve not to punifh them. Now God was not Redor of the Rational Creature, before the creature did exift ; that is paft doubt : And as certain is it that manwas not guilty fromEternity. Ifit be faid that it fufficeth that his guilt had an le cognition inGod ; I anfwer, when that is proved, I will believe it. As the guilt bath but an (Ire cognittern, fo the Remifsion can have no higher a nature, and therefore not have an effe Rule .: Nay it implyeth a denyal Of Real exiftence in both : For as the effe cognition of the guilt, is but Gods foreknowledge that it will be, or his knowledge that it is future, fo hisWill not to punifb, is but a Drcree to Remit that guilt,when it is guilt indeed; and is no Remiflion of it from eternity. 2. A purpofe to punifb, is no obligation to punifhment , nor makes it due : therefore a purpofe not to punifh, is no Remifsion of any filch duenefs or obligation. 3. Foreknowledge is an immanent aft , that puts nothing in the objet : therefore it makes it not guilty, nor removeth guilt. 4. It is manifeft injuftice among men, to fuppofe a man guilty and capable of pardon or punifbment meerly becaufe it is fore. known that he will offend, if any could foreknow it. S. Foreknowledge makes no man immediately capableofpunifh- merit : therefore it makeshim not capable of pardon. For the Minor, x. That we are not conftituted juft from eter- nity needs no proof. 2. That we arenot witneffed, maintained by Plea, or fentenced juft, needno proof neither. I know none that will affirm them. The only doubt is, whether God efteem us not juft, or accept us as juft from eternity ? But this is anfwered fufficiently already , and efpecially in my Reply to Mr. Kendal. z. The