Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(218) Do&rine which fuppofeth i. That Godwas fo prodigal of his Sons blood and fufferings. z. That there was no more need of the fufferings and Merits of Chrift , then to manifeft what was done from eternity. 3. That no Eled man was ever guilty,no not Adam himfelf upon his fall ( unlefs he could be guilty and not guilty at once, ) 4. That we are no more beholden to Chrift , then for doing a needlefs work, as to our Jultification and fafety: and accordingly are no more obliged by his favour to gratitude and obedience ; with`multitudes of the like pernicious Confe- quents, which I will not beftow the time diecindly to handle , or form into feveral Argumentsab abjurdo;I fay,this Dodrine which fo fubverteth Chriftianity it felf, , and makes it but a name and fhaddow , cannot be true. i t were eafie here to heap up forrie Arguments from fo many Texts of Scripture to prove that there is noJuftification or Remifsion, but by Chrifts Death and Merits: but I know the anfwer of the Adverfary wouldbe, that it is true of that fort of Remifsion and Juftification which Chrifts death procureth, but not of that fort which is from eternity ; lo which I Reply, t . No Scripture mentioneth the divers forts of Juftifi- cation which they feign ( of which anon ) 2. They have ill per- formed their parts in defcribing and diftinguifhing thefe two or three forts of Juftification or Pardon, which yet did lie fo much upon them. 3. For ought I know , they do totally defiroy the Merits of Chrift : For 1. Mr. E. and the common fort of them acknowledge that it is not ai._.17 um volentu, but rem volitam, which. Chrift procured or called : fo that Aftive Juftification is hereby denyed to be any effed of Chrifts death : and how a !meritori- ous caufe can work immediately on the effeet,without working on the Agent, and whether the effed of meritorious caufes be not directly on the Agent, that he may produce the further effed , I have already defired Mr. E. to fatisfie me Though this fcruple may be well folved, yet I think, not by men of their principles. And what is the Res Volita ? if it be only Juftification in faro Confcienthe) it is unconceivable howChrifts Merit can caufe thatg without caufing the ad of God. For the Declaration of our righteoufnefs to our felves, they fay is Gods ad : and the fenfe of this, or the knowledge of it, Chrifts Merits do not immediately effect : Merit is not terminated on our con iciences. If they fay, It is Right to juilification in confcience, that Chrifts Merits do caufe,