(220) SECT. IL lit I will fay nomorediftinaly to this immanent eternal Iufti- fieation, but fpeak to it and the other fuppofed Juftification. beforeFaith, both together ; for difpatch. For all Arguments that conclude againft Juftification before Faith in general, more evidently conclude againft this fuppofed a5t from eternity then that fuppofed aft, at the undertaking or death ofChrift. And here it will firft be requifite, that wemay not make the, quarrel or difference feem greater then it is that we difcernhow much of our controverfie is about the meer name of Remifsion or juflification, and howmuch about the Thing or Doarine. a. It is agreed on both fides, that God cloth frometernity fore- know every fin that men will commit in time; and that he De-. creeth to pardon ( aaually, and infallibly, and immutably ) all the fins of his Elea. 2. It is agreed on both fides,that Chriftgave himfelf a facrikce and Ranfom for the Elea ; taking upon him thole futferings which he underwent, that we who had deferved everlafting fuf- fering might efcape. 3. I yield morethen they defire or agree to, that Chrifts facri- ficewas a fufficient fatisfaaion for the fins of the whole world , and not for the Elea only ;; and that it was not only the fins of the Elea, which were the caufeof Chriftsfuffering, but of fallen mankind in general. 4. It is agreed on both fides,that Chrift dyed notfor all alike, Or with an equal intent of pardoning and faving them But that lie had a fpecial intent infallibly to pardon andPave all his Elea; and them alone : And that the Father had the fame intent in giving his Son to death; and therefore gave him the Elea to be infallibly faved. 5. It is agreed onboth fides,that Chrift did perfealy pay the Ranfomwhich heundertook, and left not any part unperformed : and that he overcameDeath and Satan, and:was Difcharged by Gods