Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(221) Gods publick Declaration,and that in himGod was well pleafed: This muchwe agree in. The firft thing now tobe handled, wherein we differ, is, de no- mine, Whether all, or any part of this be tobe called the 7afti-- ficationof any particular perfon, not yet believing or born. Conclu. i. I affirm, that It is not fit tofay that We are yuilifiedby all or any of tbs.:f, before we are born, or believe. Argument 1. if the Scripturenever call this our juftification ( or fay we are Juftified before we are born, or believe ) then we may not fitly fo call it. But the Scripturenever calls it fo, ( nor fo of rmeth) : therefore we may not, d-c. For the Major, I take the Confequence as granted to be good, on this explication : That Ido not fay that inno cafe it is fit to takeup any Namewhich the Scripture hash not ufed : but in this cafe it is not fit. For i. We thould not depart from the language of Scripture, in facred things,without necefsity : But here is no necefsity : therefore, &c. z. Specially if it be a point of fuperna- tural Revelation, and not naturally known. But this is fuch:there- fore. 3. And fpecially if it be a controverted point , where new made terms, or alteringof terms in the application to the thing may foment differences, and cloud the Truth : But this is fuch ; therefore. 4. And alto fpecially, if it be in a cafe of great mo- ment, where miftakes are more dangerous. But this is fuch; there- fore, &c. 5. And efpecially if it be a Nameor Word , which is fiery frequently ufed in Scripture in another fenfe , and never in this fenfe : For then it is worfe to ufe that word to a fenfe diffe- rent fromthat of Scripture, then to devife words that are not in Scripture at all : For it tends to lead men to a Mifunderftanding of all thole Scriptures that otherwifeufe it. But that is undeny- ably the prefent cafe : therefore, 033-c. So that I think I may fafely conclude that it is not fit nor fafe to depart from the Scripture- fenfe in the ufe of the word juftification here. And for the Minor, that Scripture never fo deal this word. To avoid tht tedioufnefs of reciting every Text where the word is ufed, and examining them as to this point, it may fuffice, t. Ifyou will turn by your Concordance to the Texts and perufe them impartially, you may fatisfie your felves. 2. If we only fpeak to thofe Texts that are pretended to fpeak in this fenfe : it is enough.. We have often urged the Antinormans to cite one Text of Seri- f 3 rare