Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

ya f. ininuannimmibegnmsnmanmeounim 222, pturt that faith, We ard7rifitfiedkefore we were born, or do believe; and we could never yet fee one produced that had any strong appearance , of fpeaking in that fenfe. Nor do I remember any more then two , that ever I heard produced , with any Phew of Reafon. The first is that Rom, 4. S. To him that worketh not, bat bellev- eth on him th457teifi'eth the ungodly,hisfaith io counted to himfor Righteaufnefl. The forementioned learned man faith , 'Perhaps Mr, J. alto this may be the ?unification of the ungodly,mentioned Rom. 4. God Atjolving a inner in heaven, by accounting Chrija -unto him, &c. To this i have laid enough againft Lr4d. rolvinku to which I refer the Reader. Sc ti Anton. I. The Text by ungodly plainly means ( in my judgement ) Fayns on the unjuft ; God makes thofe jun by giving thempart in Chrift 7ext,Syrus who are unjuft by their own fins. Interpres le- 3. The common anfwer alfo , is far liker to truth then their git, juftifi- Expofition : viz. that it is infinps dtw.,Y-O, he that was ungodly, cante peccato rs. ( and that in the fame moment of time wherein he was juftified ) and not he that was fo in order ofnature after juitification as well as before, yea andin time too, 3. Ungodlinefs is by moll Divines fuppofed to be oppofed to fandification, and not to our firit Faith : and they judge com- monly ( till Mr. Pemble) that Faith goes before Juftification and Sandification. And therefore it might be Paid that the perfon 'unified is ungodly, as being unfan8ified ; but not an unbelie- ver. If they fay, Can a Believer be unfan&ified ? I anfwer, There is no moment of time, wherein a Believer is unfanaified but becaufe inorder of nature a man is firm called , and then a Believer, and then juitified and fandified, therefore Juftification goingbefore Sandification,and after Faith, the objedmuft be ac- cordingly denominated , quoad momenta rationis, non temporis ; andwe muft fay, God juftifieth an unholy man , ( becaufe he is not holy in order of nature till after Juftification .) but not that he juftifieth an unbeliever, becaufehe is in order Of nature a Be- liever grit. Though I fpeak not this as giving you any opinion of my own in this point, yet it being the common Dodrine of the Proteftant Churches, fbouldnot by Proteftants be flighted. 4 At lean they that bring this Text to prove the Juftification of theElea before believing, must confefs that there is no fuch words