Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

( 223 ) words in the text. And therefore they that will affirm that un godly is as much as unbelieving , their bare word is no proof : and therefore we muff expe& fome better, or take the point un- proved. 5. Nay,what need we more words with them , when the Text twice over tells you what ungodly ones are J uflified , even Belie- vers : It muff be, He that believeth on him that 7ulliftetb the un- godly, and it is his Faith ( that ) is imputed to him for righteossf- nefs : And this man is not an unbeliever. The fecond text cited to prove 7uflification to be a word ap- plicable to the eternal as , or to fome before Faith or exift- ence of that perfon, is Rom. 8. 33. Who (hall lay an thing to the charge of Gods Eleet ? It U j od that fitftifieth , Who he that condemneth ? it is Chrifi that dyed, yea rather that z riri'n again who is even at theright hand of God , wbo alto maketh intercefsion for its. Anfir. The whole fcope of the Chapter thews that it is the fanaified Elea that are here fpoken of, and not any other. it 15 they that are in Chrift Jefus, that walk not after the but after the Spirit, to whom there is no condemnation. v. I. to 14. It is they that are led by the Spirit of God, andfo are the So; Clad. v.14. That have received the Spirit of Adoption. v. 15. Havino. the Spirit bearing them witnefs that they are the children of God. v.16. That are heirs, and joynt heirs with Chrifl. v. 17. That have Hope and Love to God. v. 24. 28. and are Saints. v. 27. A nd God doth exatlly tell us his order ofgifts.v. 3 o.where gelling goeth before Josfl ification. In the very text it is plain; i. It is fuch Elea ones as are chargeable and condemnable,if God did not juffifie them. But foare not any unborn. 2. It is fuch as the world s apt to ac- cufe and flander,and condemn and this is fpoken toencourage them againft fuch fufferings from the world : But the world cloth not fo perfecute the Elea while they are unconverted and run with them to all excels of riot, and are foolifh, difobedient , fer- ving divers lufts and pleafures : but when they break from their captivity, and &ape the pollutions of the world, 3. It is fuch as Chrift is interceding for as for ftrength and perfeverance. 4. It is futh as Paul was confident fhoulcl p.erfevere,and nothing feparate them from the Love of God. 2. And though I do believe that there is an Abfolute Ele- ction of Individual perfons to Faith and Salvation , yet it is cer- taitt,