Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

111 (224) taro, that the words Elea , and _Vatic's, dooften fignifie that which is in time if not far more often then that which is from eternity : When God by his Spirits effectual Grace doth choofe one, and pafs by another, this is (executive) Election, and thefe fo actually choien or taken out of the world toChrift, are Elect : and this is the molt ufual fenfe of the word in Scripture , as I think. 3. The Text fpeaks of fuch as God hirrifelf cloth not con- demn : but tsodby his Law dot') condemn all Unbelievers , the Elect as well as others; though not with a Peremptory , Remedi- lefs Condemnation. For he that believeth not is condemned al- ready : And Godbath concluded all under fin. God chargeth with fin , confcience chargeth them, and others may charge them. I conclude therefore that thisTixt cannot be underftood of Infidels. Argument 2. If thename 7uflification be not fitted to the na- ture of the thing,viz. of the Decree of God to pardon us,or the prefent immediate effects of Chrifts fatisfaction, as to us before we did exift then it is not fit to be ordinarily applyed thereto : But the Antecedent is true : therefore fo is the Confequent. Here we alould examine the nature of the thing it felf and the fenfe of the word but the former will be our work anon whenwe come to fpeak of the Real or Doctrinal difference between us in this point ; and the latter is oft enough done by others. I-pro- ceed to the next verbal difference. Conchs. 2. The name of Pardon or Reconciliation is. not fit to be given to Gods eternal Decree of Pardoning, or to any eternal alt, or any all not procured by the Mediation of fefus Chrift. The proof is the fame with the former. There is no word of God ( that ever I obferved, or heard producedby any of them to that end ) that doth fo ufe the wordPardon or Reconciliation. He that faith there is any, let him prove it if he can. I admire that they nei- ther do fomething in it, or giveup that caufe, being fo much pro- voked to it as they have been. Conchs. 3. Though the names of Reconciliation and Taking or Purging away fin, (andperhaps Pardon) may be applyed to that which Chrift loath donefor us with God , by his Merits , before we believe or Were born ,yet fhould it be very fparingly and never but With fafficient caution todifcover , that we mean not an Abfolstte vpipimalliallPANGW.Nr4r