Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

( 225 ) anal Reconciliation ofany man,norfisch apardoning,pargingor taking away hisfin. The reafon is,becaufe i Scripture ufeth thefe words thus ,but .very feldom. You hear not any aCt at Chrifts death called by any of thefe names, once, for many times that you hear of par- don toBelievers, and Reconciling them to God , &c. 2. You never read thefe words fo ufed in Scripture, but with fufficient cautionary light there, or neer at hand ) to acquaint us , that it is not perforial, adual, abfolute pardon or Reconciliationthat is meant : and utually this is done two waies In that the Re- conciliationor pardon mentioned from Chrifts death, before the finner was born, is never mentioned (that I know of) with ap- propriation to theEleet, Or any fort of men more then others nor with exclufionof any firmer, but as a common Reconciliati- on or Pardon : Now it is certain that all men attain not to an e" abfolute, actual pardon and Reconciliation. 2. In that when the Scripture dothmention Reconciliation or purging away fin, &c, as done before we believe, it either prefcribes us fomeCondition or Means by which it may be made Ours in particular, or elfe fome other way makes it manifeftthat it is not yet ours , any more then the reft of loft mankinds. Let usperufe the particular places. The molt remarked text, and molt urged by therathat we op- pole is, 2 Cor. j. 19. That God was in Chrilk reconciling the World unto himfelf not imputing their trefpaffes to them, and loath commit- ted to u the wordof Reconciliation : No* then We are Embaffa- dorsfor atilt, as thoughGod did befeechyore by us ; We pray you in Chrifts"lead, be ye Reconciled to God.To this I have fpoken againft L. Colvinus. Note here, 1. That the Text faith not , God was Reconciled to the world, but god vo.0 Reconciling the world He did much, and as much as concerned the fufficiency of a Sacrifice , Ranfom and Satisfaelion towards an actual Reconciliation, which through their own wilful rejeetion, many do mifs of. 2. Note thattheText only faith, God was Reconciling, &c. not Imputing their fin. Not that he did not at all impute fin to them but he was then, not dealingwith them according to the defert of their fin, but in mercy : So far was he in that work from imput- ing fin to them, or then charging it on them , that he was oro- G g viding