(226) viding a fufficient Remedy for the pardon ofit, if they woultrao. cept it freely given. 3. Note that it is not any fpecial fort of perfons, that are here: fpoken of but the world ;. whether fimply confidered, as the whole race of mankinde, or whether the Gentiles as well as the Jews : it is to avoid an exclufion of any, and not to exclude any and therefore it is not meant of the. Elea only. 4. The next words moft plainly (hew that theywere pot yet aftually reconciled, when the Officeof Embaffadors appoint- ed, tobefeech men in,Chrifts ftead, and as if God did it byus, to be reconciled to od. If they were Reconciled already , what. need Minifters befeech them to be Reconciled ? I remember Den and other Antinomians fay, that God was reconciled to them, but not they to him : but this vain objeetion I have anfwered in two former writings already.. The 2. Text that is urged, is Joh. 1. 29. Avid the Lamb of God, that takethaway thefin of the world. Here note T. The text faith not that, Hehath taken away, but he taketh-,,way, as Er*, mns,,nd Bcza, fignifying his continued ac t in taking away fin : So that it faith nothing of taking it away before we believe. Beza thinks ;John pointed to Chrift in reference to his Baptifm, to thew them that it was byvertue of Chrifts blood that the fins ofd the, baptized were taken away. 2. Theword hereufed may figni- fie the` takingaway of fin it fell in its power , as well as Guilt : And though we may not expound it as Grottos cloth , of taking, away fin it fell only, yet we may well do as other Expoficors do, extend le t° both. Be,tol blames them that reftrain it to the ta- king away of Punifhment only, and.himfelf expounds it of both, PUnifhment andPower of fin. Now it is certain that Chrift took notaway the Power of fin, or fin it fell beforewe were born, or (lid believe. 2. Note that, if it were granted that it is meant of taking away fin, at the,time, of Chrifts death, 3-et it would prove but a common taking away, and therefore not an. AbfOlute, and. Anal pardon:For if itbe fo underflood, theworld, will never be proved, to be meant of the Elegy only.. Another text that is ftronger in appearance then this, for the plarafe in queftion, is. bleb. s 3: When he had by htmfelf purged; "r fiKs,Pte down on the right hand of the .Majf,fiie on high. To which,I fay, ,I. The text faith not he pardoned or Juftilied us , but,