Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

WIr. Owen. ( 228) ikNd here it is hard to fay wherein we difagree, becaufe they agree not among themfelves, fome laying one thing and fome another. Moft of them fay, that we are adually pardoned and juftified in Chrift at his undertaking to dye for us ; and that it is but the knowledge , and comfortable feeling of this that is wanting tous : Mr. Crandons words are thefe in his.Epifi. Dedic . juflificationas an Immanent aEl in God : As cornpleated in the Redemption which is by Chrift, and inChri ; both thee before we believe. So that it is Aaual and CompleatecllJuiti6cation which they fuppofe to be before Faith. Many of thetaufe toex- prefi themfelves, that Chrift being the Publick per'fon, , he repre. - fented all the Elea,and they dyed in him, and fatisfiediribiw,and were juitified in him. The forementioned Learnedman , makes the ground of the Eleas Abfolution to be, they dyingwith him ,'ii>he fpeaks : and faith that Chrift is Reckoned to au,and cods Reckoning.Clorifi inour. ?relentfenfe,is the imputing of Chrift to ungodly unbelievingflamers for whom he dyed, fo far as to account him Theirs, to bellow Faith andGrace on themfor hisfake. And If then this be donefor Chrifis fake, then i Chrift made ours before we believe: And I cannot con- ceive hoW any thingAmidbe made out tome for Chrifl , and Chrift himfelf not be given to me. And the queftion he offers is this Whether esibfolution from the guilt offin, and Obligation unto Death, though not as terminated in the Confcience for Cornpleat Nification, do not precede our AClual believing ? So that this learned man feems to judge that the name of Cornpleat Jultifica- tion is proper to that in Confcience , and not to be given to any before. He feems alfo to judge that Juftification bath Degrees and Parts at many Too or Ica() years diftance one from another : Or elfe Abfolution at leaft hath , which we have hitherto taken fpr the fame thing with Juftiftation. For as he calls this in con- fcience, Coop/eat /unification; So he faith Abfolution in Heaven, and Jujitfication,dyfer a.c Part andWhole. By this much it may be gathered where our difference lyeth in fenfe, as well as terms. We will except then Julthication as Terminated in Confcience, and fpeak to that which is terminated, or ( paffivePampa ) confift- eth in our meer Relation, of being loft Of all the forementi- oned