1,..",,tee to the ,elders; :Luc Alan ills Contumacia,Pdfiducia sominanda t..,ouakorem enim & difputatorem, non AdeNtatorem&Adulatoi.em, fe of e Cupiebat. Vereor ne a quoque aliquid contumeliofe in to dicere exilimes : quad vehementer Caveo,quantum Fogtim. 4. If it be Pride in me to contradift a few Divines ire this part of the Church, in this and one former age, and that with fo great tendernefs &I efpea,what is it in them to Contradict theantient Do4tors and Churches , till thefe dayes, and all theother Churches ofthe world till now r 5. Let the Citations in this Bookwitnefs, whe- ther I proudly affect fingularity. 6. I am reviled as a Papift by Mr. Crandon, for teaching People to depend fo much upon their Guides. Andwill they yet condemn me alfo, for not depending on them yea fornot belie- ving them againft the Evidenceof Truth which I ne- ver perfivaded the loweft Chriftian to And if I melt needs depend on any, me thinks it fhould be on the An- tient Churches and Doctors, whom themfelves do con- tradict, and mention with higher charges of errour ( whether that be pride let them fee to it ) then ever I did them. I remember the antient Character ofa Pagan and a Chriftian : Tertull. Apolog. c . 45. Vobis banana , aftimatioinnocentiam traaialt: humana item Dominatio im. peravit : inde neeplen.e, nec adeo timendx eflisdifciplin ,e ad innocentix Veritatem. Tanta eft Prudentia homin is ad de- monflranduM bonum, quantum authoritas adexigendam,tam illa:fallifacilis, quam ifia Contemni. Nazianz. Drat. 27. pag. 468. ( Edit. Morel. ) eltqui plerifquefeats videtur, inquies very mea in tere rei veritatemmagi's curo, immofolum curo ? hoc enim vel me Condenrnaverit, vel abfolverit : hoc milerum vel beatum reddiderit. At quid aliis videatur, nihil ad nos, qnemadmo- dum nec aliengmfomnium. ob. 3. But thus you break th e Churches Peace while ( yeti