(230) 1 putthe Conclufion in their own terms To rue and other men, all thefe ( or 3 at lead) are one and the fame thing To be actually juitified , and pardoned, and Abfolved from the guilt of death, and Abfolved from the Obligation to Death or Punifhment. Guilt is anObligation to Punifhment ; at leaft , Guilt of death diflinft from the meer Reatus Gulp e. The diffol- ving ofthe Obligation to Punifhment, is Pardon ( that is the true Nature of pardon.) Pardon is taken by fome to be the whole of Jultification,and the fame thing ; though notionally differing : by others to be part of it, and Imputation of righteoufnefs the other part : or Accepting us as Righteous, as others. if there- fore we are Abfolved from the Guilt of Death, and from the ob- ligation to Punifhment, then we are certainly pardoned and jufti- fled. And this mull be in Law-fenfe, as to Right and Title, and Conflitutively, at leaft. For it is the Law that obligati us to Pu- nifhment, and concludethus under guilt therefore if the Laws Obligation to Punifhment be diffolved, then in Lawwe are par- doned and Conflituted Righteous This is it therefore that I de- ny , and shall now confute ; and in this fenfe I fhall difprove the pretended pardon and Juftificationof the Elea, at the under- taking, or death of Chrift. Argument I. From lob. 3. 18. He that Believeth on him, is not condemned but he that believethnot,U condemned already. He that is condemned, is not pardoned, abfolved or J unified : He that believeth not, though Eled, is condemned ; therefore. I knownothing that can be fail againft the Major, but that he maybe condemned in one kind, and yet abfolved in another. But that is nothing to the Argument , as long as Condemnation and Abfolution are here taken in the fame kind. Abfolution , as you heard, is taken for affolving guilt of Death, or Obligation to Punifhment, or Abfolv:ng from thefe : And Condemnation here mutt needs be taken as oppofire to that kind of Abfolution : for to that in confcience it is not oppofed, as I have already proved : And to that at Judgement, v-1 ether by Witnefs, Advocate, or Sentence, it cannot be here oppofed : For many that are now condemned as unbelievers, Ihall -el' +:- Yi'e., and then be Abfolved. Thecommon anfwer is againft the lvlinor,that the Text fpeaks only of fuch Unbelievers , as fball fo live and dye and are not ,Eled : But when that is proved , they fay fomething. In the mean