(231) mean time, if Chat fay without limitation, that He that Pelle- veth not is conde mned already ; We !hall take it for a Contradi- etion and not an Expofition, to fay, the meaning is, Not all that believe- not are condemned, but they that !ball fo live and dye : Elfe I knownot what Scripture may not be thus perverted. So 01-0 en, or any of that mind might have Paid, that the Text which faith,_ ThEir worm dyeth not, and their fire u not venched ; is not meant of all the damned, but,of thole that continue there Im- penitent and Unbelievers. Argurmnt z. T hey that are dead in Trefpaffes and' Sins, and by nature the children of wrath, even as others, werenot juftifi- z ed, abiOlved or pardoned, as aforefaid, in Chrift,before they be- lieved or were born. But many of the Elea were ( after Chrift& death ) dead in trefpaffes and fins, and bynature the children of wrath, even as otlitrs 2 therefore. I think the Major needs no proof. The Minor is expreffed EL.hef. 2, 1. 3 . All the anfwer that is commonly given is , that They were uftified in Chrift , and net children ofwrath in them- felves- : But what is the meaning,d,nChriji , and in themfelves? One man bath but one perfon, and that cannot be at once juftifi, ed and condemned, in the fame kind. Its like they mean as Mr-. Eyre expreffeth himfelf ; that it is not we that are the fubjea of that Righteoufnefs, but Chrift. That is plain dealing : but then it is undenyable that it is not we that are juitified by it but Chrift : For no Accident is ours, or candenominate us whereof we are not the fubjed. e../Irgument 3. From Epbef z.. 12. At th.4 timeye werewith- out Chlaft, being tAkensfrom the Common-wealth of Ifrael , and fbrangers from the.Covenants of 'Promije, having no bope,and out God in the World. They that are thus without Chrift ' Cove - nants of Promife; Hose, God', are not inLawAbfolved ,from the guilt of death, and obligation to punitbment : But fuch are ma- ny of , the Elea}, if not all before they believe : therefore, Argument 4. FromTit. 3d 3 , 5,6, 7. For We our laves were lometimesfoolip,dfobedir,f,Stc. But after that the kindnefs and Love of god ourSavioosr,rowardman appeared: not by works of righteoufnets Which we hive done , bat according to his '-illercy be laved as, by the Walbing of Reo.eneration , and renewing. of the 1.01)7Gbojiiwhich he/bed on us jgndatly, throug'3 lefiss C,;,rift out