( 232 ) our Saviour ; that being jug:fled byhis Grace, We Aould bemale heirs according to the hope of eternal life. f f we are not juftified nor made Hens before the wafhingofRegeneration, then we are not juitined or Abfolved from the guilt of death , before we be- lieve or were born : But the Antecedent is true ( and pain inthe Text ) therefore fo is the Confequent. Argument 5. They that are under the Curfe of the Law,(that is, obliged to death eternal by it) are not juitified , or abfolved from the guilt of death. But theElea before Faith are, at leaft many of them, if not all , under the Curfe of the Law : there- fore. The Major I fuppofe will be granted ; for the Law to curfe men to death , when the Obligation to that death is Diffolved, and they abfolved from it, is to contradia it felf or God. The Minor I prove thus. They that are of the Works of the Law , are under the Curfe. Many, at leaft of the Ele& before Faith, are of the Works of theLaw : therefore they are under the Curfe. The Major is the Word of God, ciad. 3. RI For as many as are of the works of the&more under thecorfe.The Minor is plain, , unlefs no fuch Jew or. Legalift be convertible. Argument 6. If all are concluded by Gods Laws under fin, that the Promife by Faith of Jefus (Thrift might be given to them that Believe then the Ele& are not Abfolved from the guilt of fin or death , before they believe : But the Antecedent is Gods Word ; Gal. 3. 2 2. therefore. Argument 7: From Rom. 3.2.3, 9. 1o. 19. We have before provedboth fernand Gentiles,that they are all underfin.For all have finned and come 'hart of the Glory of god. There is none righteous, no not one. That all the World niqy become guilty before God. They that are not righteous , but have finned and come short of the Glory of God, and are nnder fin, and guilty before God;are not Abfolved from the guilt of fin and death, nor Juftified : But fuch are the Elea before they believe : therefore. Argument 8. From R4u. 5.1 2, 13,14. Death pled upon all men, for that all have finned : For until the Lawfin was in the world : but fin is not imputed Where there is no La 111 ; Neverthe- lefsdeath requiredfromAdam to Mores, even over thew that had notfinned after the firmihtadeof Adams trarifgregon, &c, But not as