( 233 ) as the offence fo is thefreeGift, &c. Thofe ; over whom death reigned, ( according to the fenfe of this text ) through the Im- putation of fin, both original and adual, were not Juftified or Abfolved fromthe Guilt of death, before they were born , or were Believers : But fuch were thofe to whom the free Gift came for Juftificationby Faith in Chrift : therefore. I take it for granted that thofe whomI difptte againft, do take the efficacy of Chrifis death to be immediately after the fall, or that. Adam was fentenced, and thePromife made, and not only fince the time of his aftuat dying. Argument 9. From Rom.5. I 5,16,17,18, 19,20, 21. Thofe men are not yet abfolved from guilt, and Juftified or Pardoned , over whom fin reignethunto death , on whom judgement is come to condemnation , that are fo made finners, as not yet to be made righteous juftified,, or have received the free gift : But fuch are the Elea before they believe therefore. Argument to. From Rom. 7. 1. Knowye not, that the Law bath Dominion over a man as long AI he liveth ? They, over whom the Law hath Dominion , are not Abfolved from its Obligation toPunifhment : But fuch are the Elea before believing ( all or fome) 4, therefore. Argument II. They that are the Servants of findreefrom rigbte- oufneir doing that whole end and *ages is death, in *horn fin dad Work, to bringforthfruit onto death, that arenot under Grace but under the Laro, &c. are not Abfolved from the Laws Obligation topunifhment, nor pardoned. But fuch were the Elea ( all or fome) before believing. Rom. 6.14,15. 3.16,20,21,23. and 7. 5. therefore, &c. Argument I:. FromRam. 8.1. There is thereforeno* no Con- demnation to them that are in Ghrifi' refus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. This plainly implyes, that till men are MChrift Jefus , there is hill Condemnation to them. Thofe that are not yet freed fromCondemnation, are not Juftifled, abfolved, pardoned : But fuch are the Elea , till they are in Chrift Jefus therefore. Argument 13. From Rom. 8. 1, 6,7,8,13. They that have that carnal mind which is death, and enmity againft God, and cannot pleafe God, and Onall die, if they hold on thefe are not yet Juftified, Pardoned , or Abfolvecl from the Laws Obligation b to