(234) to death.But fuck are the Elea (all or fome) before they believe: therefore. Argument 14. Fromflorn. 8. 2. He that isnot made free from theLaw of fin, and death, is not abfolved from the Laws obliga- tion to punifhment. But Pollan Elea man, before he believed , was once not freed from the Lawof fin and of death : therefore. Argument 15. FromRom. 8. 9. Ifany man have not the Spirit of Chrifl, he is noneof his. He that is none of Chrifts, is notAl> folved from the guilt ofdeath. The Elea that have notthe Spirit of Chrift, are none of his : therefore. 'Though they are chofen by him, they have no Legal Right to him. Argument 16. From foh.8.24,3 2,33,34,36.They that are yet in their fins, and not made free by the Son , are not Abfolved from theguilt of death : But fuch are. all Unbelievers , though Elea : therefore, &e. Argument 17. He that lies under the Threatning , that he (hall not live ; he that bath no life in him, ( neither of Juftifica- tion nor Sanctification) fuch are not Juflified or Abfolved. But they that eat not the flefb of Chrift, and drink his blood , have no life in them, and ( except they do it) (hall not fee Life. loh.-6. 53,54,57,58, 59. Read the Text, and note that it is not upon the meer ,fhedding ofChrifts blood, but on the eating ofhis flefh,and drinking of his blood by Faith, that we receive eternal life, in the beginnings and right to it. Argument 18. FromTfal. 5. 5. Thou hatefi all workers of Iniquity. MaewhomGod hateth, he bath not yet Juftified or Abfolved from the guilt of death. But the Elea before Conver lion Godhateth : therefore. The Minor is proved : God hateth all workers of Iniquity, the Elea before Converfion are workers of iniquity : therefore. I know this is a hatred confiftent with the Love ofF ledion and Redemption : but not with theLove of actual Reconciliation , Remiffionjuftificationor Abfolution from the guilt ofdeath.For this Hatred is, when God ftands related to them as any enemy, according to the terms of his Laws, which is, while the effects of Hatred, that is, Deftruaion remains their Due according to Law.. And this cannot be when theyare abfolved from that obli- gation and pardoned. Argument Igo From t kb. 3.8.100 7. Let no man deceiveyou: he,.,