Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

( 235) be that doth Righteoufneft is Righteous, even as he is Righteous. He that committethfan, is of the Devil, &C. In this the children ofGod are manifejled, and tbe children of the Devil whofcever dotb not righteoufnefs, 1.4 not of god neither he that 'meth not his Brother. They that are not of God, nor Righteous, nor are the childrenof God , but are the children of the Devil, are not yet Juftified, Pardoned, Reconciled and Abfolved from the guilt of death.But fuck are the Elea before converfion : therefore. The Minoris too evident. They that do not Righteoufnefs, nor Love their bro- ther, are the children of the Devil. The Eleabefore Conver- fion do not righteoufnefs, nor love their brother (at leaft fome of them ) therefore. (.4rgament 2o. From I Joh 3. 14, 15. We know that We have paffed from death to life, becassfe We love the brethren He that loveth not his brother, abideth in Death , &c. He that abideth in death , and is not paffed from death to life, is not Juftified Pardoned, or Abfolved from the guilt ofdeath. But the Eleet be- fore Converfion abide in death, and are not paffed fromdeath to life : therefore. The text proves the Minor. He that lovethnot the brethren abideth in death and is not paffed from death to Life. The Elea before converfion, love not the Brethren : there- fore. Death here is not only the power of fin, but the guilt of death : and life is not only holynefs, but Relative life alfo , and Right to life eternal. Argument z . From 1 70.4 . 5'.10,1 1,12. He that believethnot, bath made God a Llar, &c. He that bath the Son, bath life , ad he that bath not the'Son,hath not life. He that hath not the Son nor that life which God hath given in him, is not yet Abfolved from the guilt ofdeath, nor Pardoned, nor Juftified.The Elea that yet believe not, have not the Son, nor that life which God hath given in him : therefore, &c. Argument 22. Heki1.6. without Faith it is impofsible to pleafe God. if it be impoflible for the Elad to pleafe God without faith, then they arenot alually reconciled to him , nor pardoned nor abfolved from the guilt ofdeath without Faith. But the Antece- dent is true, therefore fo is the Confequent. The common Anfwers ( and all that I knowof) that are made to this, are thefe two. 1. That the perfon is not in himfelf, but inChr.ift only Pleafing or Acceptable to God, without Faith 1-1 h 2, and