Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

The'Prefaci to the Ae..4d.m.-. lett pretend tobe zealous for it : why do you. not lot go, Truth for Peace Anftv. t . Have the Diffenters ftadyed an anfwer to this Queftion themfelves. 2. I refolve by. Gods help never to own or fubfcribe toone word oferror for Peace:(& therefore defire much Caution in Impofed. Confeisions) : But I am refolved to /dew any Truth for the ChurcheS Peace,which is, not ofgreater moment and worth than its Peace , fo to be obtained. 3. I never yet. was ConfCious of fuch a Guilt , of breaking the Churches Peace by the divulging my opi, nions, ( except in humane frailties, in themanner of de, daring them ) : I never endeavour to make a partie for my opinions. I ever fpoke more againft fuch parties, then for my opinions.,My Doctrines, which they blame, are fo purpofely defigned for healing of the divided Churches, that it was my chief motive to publill them, The Churches were. lamentably divided about fuch things, before that I did offer my thoughts fora Iteme- ' dy:Am not. I then dealt with,.as if I went topart. twothat are fighting in the ftreet-? and though I (peak them fair,. and perfwade them to be friends, they take witnels that its I that break-the Peace ? 4. It is not the peace of one divided party or Corm- trey, that is the Peace of Chrifts Church : Nor doth it befeem any Chriftian to have fonarrow a Spirit,. and to. overlookChrifts- Intereft in the reft of the Churches but to remember the Condition of their Brethren. abroad. 5. I do here offerit as my heartydefire , That my Bre-' thren of the mini /try in any, of their Affociations when they. areAffembled,within my reach,whereImay be prePent, would freely queftion 'anything inmy Doc` rine which they dillike And: