Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

The Preface to the Readers. Me thinks I could better bear almoft any other cen- fure or oppofition, then tobe taken for a Divider or di- fiurber of that Peace which I fo earneilly affect. But as Seneca makes it the greateil tryal of a Good man , when he can Boni virifarnarn perdere, for the love ofgoodnefs; co I look on it as my Tryal, whether I can lofe the fame of being Peaceable, fora Love toPeace. Upon enquiry into the caufe ofthis offence , me thinks I have found {bine in my felf, and force in my Brethren. In my felf I find 1. That my knowledge being very defective , the imperfedions of it will appear in all that I do. But I thought that this would not have offended them that were not offended with me when I knew lets : ( excufe me that I fay, I knowmore then I did men that, fee,are apt tobe confident ofit, when they cannot well demon- 'trate it to another.) 2. I find that there are come incau-, telous paffages in my AphOrtfins, not fitted to their read- ing that come to fuck poyfon, and to feek fora Word to be matter ofAccufation , and food for their cenfuring Opinionative zeal. I fuppofed this would have been par- cloned alfo, when the occafion was known , and when I compared my carelefs ftyIe with a multitude ofapproved Writers. Among others, I thought difcerned thefe. Rearons ofthe offence. 1. There are fo many contrary. Parties in the Church, that it is ina to',pleafe : He therefore that wiltpleafe, muflicnoo:e his Party, and refolve to difpleanfe all fave them , and not extend his ambition too far. 2. He that will plear.e , mull have no Adverfary. But if therebe but one man found that hath malice enough to Accufe , there will many be found to receive his falfe reports. 3., My judgement fh led me on to thole Dodrines which exafperate not only fingle perfons, but Parties, efpecially the Antinornians , Ana- baptifts and Separatifts : And there, are Come men who are,.