Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

ThePrefaee to the Readers.' tion and praifesof thofe that approve of my Labours , I mean the lefs difcreet among them : for that enrageth fome others andwhets them on to a contention. I do therefore befpeakall filch friends in the words of yhigst, fine, Epift.7.marcell. Vos autem qui me multum diligitis, fi totemme offeritis adverfiss eos quorum malitia,vel Imferitia, vel intellicentioreprehendor,ut me nufquom fcrlptorum me- orlon errolle dicatis,fraftra laboratis 5.7Yon bonam caufam fiff. : facile in ea, meipfo judice,fuperamini,, Q_tioniam non mini placet cum a .charijimis mein talis exiflimor, qualis non fun. Profeao enim non me, fedprome alium, fub meonomine dilisunt fi non quodfum,fed quadnon [um, di. ligant. Yea,the very numberofAlien ters I find is anoffence: but that I cannot help. Goodmen when they think any Truth to be an Errour, will be forry that it is entertain, ed. Dodor Owen thus Prefaceth to Mr. Eyre's Book For the prefeat Ipall onlyfay, That there being toogreat evi7 dence of avery welcome entertainment,andAcceptancegiven by Many to an almepure Socinianaflification andExpofi- tion ofthe Covenant ofgrace , even arnongli them into 2vhofe hearts Godftems to have fhined, in fame meafure , to give-the light of the knowledge ofhis Glory in the face of le- fits Chrig. He that fhould think any Dodrine to be a- aainft God, I wonder not if he think himfelf bound to oppofe it. But to be xlmoll an Errour, is to bea Truth,: There is but a thred between Truth and Errour and that which is not Neer to that Errour,is not I ruth,but is liker to be another Errour in the other extream : For Truth is one firait line, but Errour is manifold ., even All that fwarveth from that line, in what (pace and de- , gree. foever. purpofed to have laid nothing to this Re- verend Brother Doctor Owen ; but when I came toan- fwet the Arguments for juflification, or Abfolution, or ( e ) Remiffion