(413) not be caved with out them: for they be the way to the Kingdom, though not the caufe of reigning. 57: GOrllarr in the Epitom, of his Loc. Commun. per Gommius. Sibelium,za& 446. Loc. 44. [ Works in refpe& of the faithful are not the Efficient caufe of Eternal Life, but the Ante- cedent Gondition neceffary to falvation : whole certain confe- quent Eternal Life is, not its effeet: not the caufe of reigning,but the way of the Kingdom. And pag 4 9. i By Relative Right God as a juft Judge gi- veth the Reward, not ref pectiing what is due to Works of them- felves, but what of Grace he hath promifed to them, and fo hath made himfelf a Debtor of the Reward; as God, as a juft Judge will give the Reward and Crown of Life Eternal to the faithful exercifing righteoufnefs ; becaufe he oweth it for his free Pro- mife made to them that work rightly, by Right of hisl ruth and inviolable fidelity, Tit. I. 2. Ileb.10. 23. and 6.17 , 18. Mar. 6. 16. Rom. 6. '2 1. but not on the Right of the worth of the works of righteoufnefs, which are due and irnpe.rfeft. Believers alfo are called worthy of the Kingdom of od 271oef. i. 5. but Merit cannot be thence concluded, 1. Becaufe Worthy is of larger fenfe then Merit : for this is only of Pala Right: but the other oft belongs ad io.!=-,',cuzi, (favourable judge- ment) and Equity. For whatfoever is fit and convenient is cal- led Worthy, though Merit be abfent,Mat. 3.8. and 10,11.38 . In which fenfe Rev. 3.4. Believers being fit and meet for the Kingdom , calledWorthy : Becaufe it is the Condition of them thatfball be faved, to do their duty , but not the Merit of falvation. Affiiftions alfo are Paid to Effeft for us a greater weight of Glory, &c. And thus to effect the weight ofGlory is taken for, to be an occafion and condition requifite ' which beingput (or performed) the Celeftial glory will furely follow.] Pag. 456. The neerer ( fubfervient caufe internal ) is our Myftical Union withChrift, and in theadult, the hand of Faith which embraceth Chrift, and uniteth us to him , 2 Cor. I I. 2, 3. Ephef. 3. 17. and'5. 75, 26, 27. Not by any inward power, as a, Naturalor Artificial lnitrument, or by the force of the general. G g g 3