(44). or Ipecial form of 'Faith a But 0 thefreeCtlItlilt of the Gotpel, &c. And fo ficadon is an eff-0 as a fupernatural infirument. and by accident becaufe. we are not justified by its Internal force of it felt ; but by Accident of Gods Promile free. _ ly .made toBelievers, Mar. 16.16. * See D.Whi peg. 466,467,454. he makes Santlification one of Gods taker, de pec ends * in our Juilification, and putteth it in the definition ofJu. "°43rigi- 'itification as its end, and that tnuft needs be more excellent then: Bali, li. 3. p. 10. Op, 3. the .means, as Inch. 3 Paulus Fer- 58. 7)&41. Ferrius Scholagic. Orthodox. c 33. p. 543. C This rius. the whole Scripture teacheth,while it excludeth. Works from our hiftification, and teacheth that we are Iuftified without them: which i nothing elle but that cvirk,e do not enter the formal caufe of our fufilfication.] If this be all that the Scripture excludeth Works from, then I maybe confident that contrada not any of thole Scriptures. I know Ferrius himfeiffaith that Faith juttifiech only as a Rela- tion. But I never knew yet what fuch a Faith was, which is a Re- lation. I took it to be an A6tion or Habit though I eafily con- las it is Related to its Objeti as other Acts are. And here youmay fee that it cannot be a proper Infirumen9 tality that there Divines afcribe to Faith as to Iutti -cation for a Relation is not filch al Inftrument, nor i3 an :i:ct a Relation. I remember Mr. Anth. Burgefs faith (Of Iuflification, Lett. 21, p. 18z. C Retlionwhich is in their ( Wants, ) Faith to Chrifis Merits, is the Injirument by which they obtain Rensiffion of fin:[ So that it is fuch an Inftrumentality as is not proper to Acts or Habits, but the inftrumentality of a Relation of the feed of Faith to thrifts Merits, which can be no proper I nftru- rnent of luftifying : Or ifthey would condefcend to call it a Mo- ral inftrument of Receiving Chriit ' yet in the explication they would rnanifeit that it is its being the Condition, which is its neer. eft intereit in luftification. 59.1,Alfor°'