Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(415) 59: Vrcult4s Loc. Com, of Remiffion of fin, pag. ) 6,4 615, 616 having (hewed that Guilt dyed for all, and is a propitiation for the fins of the whole world which he expounds of all mankind,that are or fhail be in the world from .firft to laft ; he next fhews [ By what means pardon of lin is oh- tainede Remifsion is wholly free , and not due to our merits, but of meer undeferved Grace : Yet equity it Pelfrequi- reth that it be not conferred or received but by certainmeans and, Conditions Of the Means i will (peak in this Article ; of the Conditions in the next. As of Iuilification, fo ofRemifsion there, is a twoWl means to be acknowledged : One 7. which ; the other By it is conferred and received. Themeans 1n 1chich, is Chrift, &c, The' means By Which is double : One is by which. Remifsion is Given, the other by which it is Accepted. Themeans., of conferr;ng the Schoolmen call Applicatory ; Unlefs the. Merit of Chrift, fay they, be applyed to this or that man , no fin. is blotted out;feeing it is blotted out only by the vertue ofChriecs. Merit : Therefore feeing the Sacraments are the immediate Ap-- plyers of Chrifts Pafsion tous, he that will have any fin pardon- ed, mutt have it by fome Sacrament,in At or inDefire,--But we fay limply , that the means of conferringit , is the word of Grace, by which Remifsion is preached , whether generally and. publikely, or fpecially and privately.- The means of Taking it, ii not onlywhereby we are made capable of this Grace , 'but whereby we Take it, when its offered. A.contrite and humble-. heart is capable of it : but it is one thing to be Capable, and ano- ther to Taken..` But whenwe Give this toFaith, that it,Ta- keth Remifsionof fins, we donot exclude confefsion-of fin, and. Prayer : As good fruits are not excluded,when the Goodnefs- of the Tree is commended : nor breathing and voice excluded, when we extol the force of eloquence.. When therefore we read' r fah. I. 9. If we confefs-our fins,he is faithful and itift to forgive - us our fins : we muff not underftancl it-- ofa Confefsion which comes not from a beliefof the word, by which we are reproved' and convinced of fin. And when we pray,Forie,ive us our debts,.. fUppofe it is manifeft that we pray by the Spirit, of Faith;