Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(4T 6) therefore all this is rightly afcribed to Faith,which by it is perfor- med to the receiving the graceof Reconciliation. 4. On what Conditions are fins pardoned ? In Chrift as our only Propitiator, Mediator and Reconciler is the Remilsion of fin offered us bythe word of the Gofpel, and the gift of grace and mercyof God is Acceptedby Faith. Yet are there certain Conditions without which this grace either is not 4ttained , or being Attained is not Retained. t. The firft is true and conflant Repentance So Chrift faith, Go, andfin no more : So faying, he fignifyeth that it is invain forgiven , which after forgivenefs is again committed ; To whit purpofe is a difeafe cured , which being cured, is willfully revoked ? As therefore Remifsion of fin is not obtained without true Repentance fo being obtained, without the constant cuftody of this it is not retained. 2. The fecond Condition is that we be reconciled to our Brethren , againft whomwe have finned ; and either fatisfie them, if it may be done , or elfe petition them to forgive us. He that bath unjuftly taken away that which is his brothers, cloth in vain hope tobe forgiven of God, unlefs he reftore that which is ill gotten, if he can reftore it. Whence is that faying, Sin is not pardoned till that which was taken away be reflored. He kneyv this that faid, lf I have defrauded any man, I reftore it fourfold. - 3. The third is that we our felves imitating the clemency of our heavenly Father, do forgive our debtors ---- Thefe are Condi- tions, neceffary to the obtaining and Retaining Remiffion of fins ; But yet there is no reafon we fhould afcribe to them any Merit of our righteoufnef and de tract from the grace ofGod. For we cannot fatlefie the juft judgement of God, either by Repenting, or by Reconciling our brother, or by pardoning his faults. Muimlus. 59. jk. Ylctsltas in gen.22 16.pag.53o [So toone and the fame thing, which is not unusual, two or more (ufes are at-; tributed : to wit, the Primary and the Secondary. The Primary Caufes in this bufinefs are the Goodnefs and Truth ofGod. The Secondary are, the Faith and Obedience of Abraham. To the Primary is to be afcribed both that God did Promife and that he Kept